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What should I do

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I actually have a friend that we are more than friends but less than lovers. And a week ago we were whatsapping and suddenly my whatsapp got sick and stopped receiving any msgs.. Too many friends got mad becz i didnt answer and so on.. I dont kno if hes one of them or not.. I didnt text hin since when and he also didnt .. And it was about attending a wedding two days ago but he didnt text nor confirm .. I feel shy texting first and being a load over him! The point is that his birthday on Sunday .. Do i text or what? Sorry it seems a silly problem but i seriously feel shy that maybe he didnt text me the day my whatsapp stopped receiving and surely didnt confirm abt the wedding thing that means hes ignoring me! At this point i'd dislike sending him a birthday wishes ..

What should I do

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Of course you text him. He's your friend. Quit being shy to your friends. They're your friends too. Does anyone know your whatsapping thingy quit working temporarily?

What should I do

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Yes . Two of my friends kno but they r not mutual .

What should I do

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It's not that important anyway - unless they're anal or OCD. Anyway, text your guy friend. That would be the right thing to do. If you have to, tell him about that whatsapping thing dumping out.

What should I do

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Okay i will text him

What should I do

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well, he is your friend so text him tonight because if you dont then thats a friendship ruined because of an app you should also apologize that it was'nt your fault and it was the app's fault he'll forgive you and move on and you guys will be friends again so i wish you the best of luck.

What should I do

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Thanks a lot . U motivated me and i did texted him. My message pleased him a lot. and we are about to meet today. Thanks again people!

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