Chronic bad breath from nose!

DRDRE815 - Aug 1 2015 at 10:14
.From 2011,i started having a strange air coming out from my nose.its very hot and it smells like burning rubber i was teriffied and i went to see a doctor who presumed it was a sinus infection so he prescribed some antibiotics for me.But none of the pills worked and it kept getting worse by the day.i kept going from one clinic to the other,some doctors even went as far telling me its malaria and typhoid,which i took every desired treatment but nothing worked. Its now worse that anywhere i sit now smells like someone farted or like its a toilet place,it gets worse when i eat a proteinous food.Everyone around me keep coughing,sneezing,spiting and all sorts of attitude to show disgust and i dont blame them for that coz when i persive it myself i feel like vomiting.It smells so far that even 100metres away you can persive the strong odour oozing out from my nose..people have called me all sort of names,some say i don't bath,some that knows my hygiene practices say i don't bath well enough but i myself knows what the problem really is..... The moment i breath out through my nose i just notice this kind of reaction from people around like when someone just farted...It sometimes gets worse to a point where it causes a heavy wind to be blowing around the environment.i got sacked from my work place because of this problem even though they had to make up another excuse for it...i now stay indoors 24hrs everyday coz i have had enough insults and embarrassments from ppl around.....pls no one should mention things like me having cartahh,fever,malaria,not brushing n bathing, coz i do those things more than most clean people i know....Any resousefull contribution is welcome n pls excuse my grammar n long writeup,i'm just desperate for a cure so i can go back to my normal life.i have made sucidal attempts twice but my faith for a cure one day is wot keeps me going and i pray n hope i don't attempt a third one..thanks
That's horrible, I sympathise with you. You have been to the dentist? My tooth gets infected sometimes and causes a horrible smell in my mouth that smells like poop, also tonsil stones cause smells. Tonsil stones are on your tonsils and look like white dots, you can poke them out with a cotton bud. I would demand to see an ear nose throat specialist and tell the doctors that you have tried to kill yourself because of it, they HAVE to help you. Keep praying and wishing for it to go away, and it will, law of attraction. You cannot become your illness!
Please don't kill yourself, life sucks for everybody, make money online, you could do a spread betting course and become a millionaire, have hope. If you are dead then how will you know what life has around the corner?
How NIGHTMAREISH! You poor thing!
Liken yourself and the rest of the population with health problems to baby birds in a nest and (assuming you're British?) the NHS to the mother and father birds. The top consultants are the worms.
The genuinely needy/hungry baby birds are those that make the loudest cheeping with the widest-open beak - MOST PERSISTENTLY.
NHS 'food' is more limited now than ever. And actions speak louder than words (complaints).
PUSH! Go back to your doctor and, yes, TELL him/her that you're so at the end of your tether you're considering suicide *and* have lost your job because of it, etc, etc.. That ought to do it. If it doesn't seem to make him/her really sit up to attention then grab him/her by the lapels and scream, 'HELP MEEE, YOU HAVE TO HELP MEEEE, I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANY MOOOORE!'. And whilst you're at it, emphasise and prolong the 'H' for extra convincement. ;-)
Refuse to be fobbed off or swept under the NHS carpet.
thanks for you nice ppl taking out time to reply, and to ans u all,I have already tried out all the out listed points and that's the worst of it,knowing that no one seems to have a solution to my problems...some even frustrate me more by telling me its from my head when I'm fully an clearly aware of what's going wrong with me.....*signs* I'm just strapped down helpless like a labrat
You mean you've consulted your dentist as well as told your GP you've seriously considered suicide and - NOTHING?
Maybe there's something stuck it there. Have you tried nasal rinses? I've seen pressurized ones in a can. Worth a shot right?
As Soulmate expresses, that's disgraceful. Never heard of this before but the medics must have. Poor you, must be awful. I wish you good luck.
DRDRE, have you tried anything new or taken any new approach since you last posted?
I've found you some links that might hopefully put you on the right path, finally:
"This is not a question but answer..i couldnt find how to comment or answer!
I have been suffering from a really horrible smell coming from my nostrils and if i sniffed i could also taste it..i tried actifed tablets and cattarh caspules but after a week it was still if i had bad breath but instead of coming from my mouth it was coming from my nose..very embaressing as I work with customers every day and was sure they could smell it too. So I went to the doctor and he gave me a nasal cream called Naseptin and some tablets called Erythromycin. After only a day of using these the smell has gone! So there is a cure out there...its just finding the right i dont know if its the cream that works or the tablets or both together but im just glad its gone. I have to finish the course tho. I was told that the smell was caused by bacteria that lives in the nose which had got infected. Hope this helps."
Keep researching your condition (as is clearly NOT as rare as you thought), and try to feel whichever cause's descriptive seems to jump out at you the most. Print this and any others out and take them to your doctor. This time INSIST you're not leaving until s/he makes you a new referral to a top ear, nose and throat consultant.
Cry, shout, stamp your feet, have a damn fit and cause a massive scene if that's what it takes! It's not like you haven't earned the right by now.