Right or wrong

LOSTWIFE - Aug 2 2015 at 17:30
2 months ago my husband basically told me he didn't love me anymore but we are trying to work things out(we have a 10mnth old baby girl) . He now goes out and drinks/parties with his friends every weekend and sometimes he didn't come home till Sunday night. He feels that it's ok for him to have random single lady attractive friends and talk to them regularly. My question is am I wrong for staying and putting up with what he's doing? Or should I suck it up and just hang in there till hopefully he comes around.
I think u should move on and get a life as he got one. You are spinning ur wheels and wasting ur life thinking of him and YOUR GUYS LIFE stopped being a priority for him. Go out and catch ur friends.. Dont think of him and IM sure he will get back to u. Men may lose women easily but when they see ur happy and moving on they get jealous and come bk running! One important thing u have a child . Means divorce isnt an option. Please. For the sake of this child . Try to fix things when he comes bk. But for now u have to move on .. Learn a new language, read a book etc. Dont make a time for these thoughts to come bk in
You say "We trying to work things out" who is the we? He tells you he does not love you, goes out every weekend, feels it's ok to talk to other single attractive woman, and you feel an obligation to stay and put up with this nonsense, by sucking it up and hanging in there until he comes around REALLY!
Get a backbone and respect yourself enough not to tolerate anyone treating you like this .GROW UP! Be a role model for your daughter and not a person who can be walked all over.
I'm sorry for your dilemma. Your situation truly stinks... Young wife, 10 month old baby and a selfish husband who doesn't give two sticks about you.
1. Leave him.
2. Divorce him.
3. Get him for child support.
4. Find another man - preferably one that doesn't drink excessively, isn't insecure, isn't jealous, isn't controlling, puts you and your child before him, is educated, has a plan for his and your future, isn't hooked on his friends, isn't a womanizer, and doesn't take illegal drugs of any sort.
Your existing man is totally disrespecting you.
We are 26! Been married 6 years! Thank you all!
Maybe he's just scared of how his life is changing because of the baby. That wouldn't be your fault or the babies but emotions on both sides go crazy.
He also might be a prick like 1,000's out there who just give up like children and ignore whats important in life.
If you leave him he will regret it. If he leaves you he'll regret it. Nothing is more important then watching your child grow. This generation doesn't realize that until its too late.
You're 26... You're young and still have an entire lifetime ahead of you. You can afford to be particular in choosing a man.
If you want to... Give him an ultimatum... Be a husband to you and a father to his daughter. If not... I am leaving!
Wrong? There's no right or wrong in this situation. However, I'm not sure this is a even a marriage at this point. This sounds more like a hostage situation (emotionally). No one should be left feeling they have to wait for their partner to be ready to be faithful, committed and loving. Those are REQUISITES of a marriage or relationship, so when one partner brazenly neglects these needs in the other, it ceases to even be a relationship. Do what you wish. If it were me, I would leave him. You have plenty of time to date and enjoy relationships, and plenty of time to find "The one" if that's what you're looking for. You deserve more than this, that's 100% for sure. Picture your daughter around your age, how would you feel if someone treated her this way?