
ASIA - Aug 6 2015 at 08:17
Where do I begin? Someone very dear to me has gotten their car repossessed and they has until August 15, 2015 to pay $2500 so that can they can retrieve the vehicle. Times have been tough and we can only do so much right now to try to get it back. The price is very steep among other things. If any of you can please help the best way you can even if its only a dollar. This absolutely sucks and I wish I could handle this on my own, but sometimes you have to be willing to seek help. This isn't a get rich or plea deal, this is serious and I would be so appreciative for any assistance. Please help me help the love of my life. Thank you kindly.
I'm sorry if this post offends anyone.
No offense taken. However, this is not my problem.
Yea you're right, just thought I'd try and help her. I know she has to help her parents out and stuff so maybe that's where some of her money is going. But regardless, it just sucks she out of a car now plus her credit is gonna be in a hole. We'll see what happens.
Start a account I think that's what it's called. But the chances are that anyone will give you money is slim to none. If the car was that important, then they should of been paying on it. Priorities first. I hope your friend learned there lesson from this.
How many of these REPO topics are you going to make? So far you have three of them.
As many as I want. I'm trying to seek any help any way I can and that's fine if you're not offering any. However, the feedback I am getting (even if it's "Good luck") has some value. God forbid you or anyone you care about end up in a tough spot and you get asked the same question. Have a good day ma'am/ sir.
@BLAH thanks. Yea I just created one. I'm gonna keep trying for her, but that's all I can do. Thanks for your input.
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Creating multiple topics on the same theme or copied and pasted, dilutes your presence on the forum as we don't structure threads by category - they're all listed in order of how recently they were created or last posted to. In addition to this, having three threads on the go at once means that responses aren't chronologically interleaved, and the information contained in each thread is incomplete.
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Having a car repo'd means they couldn't afford the car and/or car payments any longer. It takes a little time, as SUSIEDQQQ mentioned, to have a car repo'd. I am assuming your friend still has a job... Well, I suggest your friend find a Klunker/Junker he or she can drive to get from point A to point B. If your friend can do that, then the car will be paid for and they will only have to carry liability insurance. However, I would highly recommend they add Uninsured Motorists to the policy as there are plenty of uninsured motorists driving around.
IT could be said that it is a sign of empathy on your part wanting to help your friend. Consider this, finances come and go... having lost a vehicle could be a sign of other financial woes... are you considering taking this person into your home and caring for them? IF not, if they are just a friend then be a friend. If they are a loved one then the answer is the same. We cannot resolve all of someone else issues even if you have the financial wherewithal to do so it would not be in their best interest.
It sounds as if you care, so the best option would be to help them set up a budget, perhaps seek a better job, or help them traverse public transport maybe even riding with her to get her acclimated. Not having a lot of money makes you more creative, it could be challenging to find Low cost or no cost activities that ease stress while building confidence. All these things come during "hard" times which help us grow. Building skills on how to "get through" the "fire" will be invaluable later when something else arises.
Yes, it is in our nature to resolve someone else's problem if we are able, but just handing someone cash is not much of an investment in their life. Taking the time to help they navigate through the loss is an investment of your time and a more truthful testament to how much you really care.