I fear for my brothers 8 year old mind

ANONYMOUS IV - Aug 7 2015 at 14:31
This will be a long read and I will be writing this on my iPhone, so excuse all English mistakes I may make and please take this extremely serious.
I love my parents, I truly do. When I think that they might die in a car accident or something else, and think about the future without them, it makes me tear up a bit. However I can't stand them when they make these careless parenting mistakes and it makes me frustrated that their teenager son cares more about his brother mind rather then they do.
When I was young, I was being raised by both my parents and my gramps, childhood was great and I loved everyone, then we had to move away, that was when I first discovered porn. I was about 5 then, my mom left Victoria Secret magazines around the house and it piqued my interest. One thing came to another and eventually I started to collect them then I found out about video porn.
I believe that the years of my childhood that I was raised with my gramps have saved my future life.
When I found out about porn was when my baby sister was at the age of her mind being able to corruption, I loved her at once but now I sincerely hate her, I would cry a bit if she were to die because she's family however she has done some sins from past that makes me look at her with disgust.
My grandma raised my sister for a bit so she wasn't that bad as my brother, however if I had to choose between my best friend or my sister to save from a cliff, I would probably choose my friend (note I might not if this happened in real life, but this is the way it is currently in my mind.) When I found out about porn, I decided to share it with my siblings and friends like the way little kids do when they find something big. Apparently my parents didn't block the porn channel on cable and I found it, then I proceeded to show my cousin and my sister it.
My sister, who was only 5, started to do small incest stuff to my dad, like a whoopsies touch in his crotch while he was teaching her homework, I saw her, and that was when my hatred started
Then my brother was born, and he had the full service of being raised by my parents with no gramps to watch for him. Being my parents, they were busy at work and seriously had no time to watch or care for what he does, so they leave him to a babysitter and brought him a iPad which he could do what he wanted to do.
Youtube, it was harmless at first when he was only watching cartoon, then he started to watch Youtubers like PewDiePie and other shits, then he learned how to curse. I always put a age restriction on his iPad but my parents remove it and forgets to put it back on when they use it.
Then he discovered porn on the internet, this was obviously gonna happen, and my parents didn't give two shits about it, they just told him not to do it again and gave him back his iPad.
Mg parents spoils my brother to the max, which is probably why he has anger issues. If he doesn't get what he gets, he makes a scene till my mom buys it for him, my mother has wasted money to repair his broken iPad for about 6 times now. Then we as a family decided to go watch R Rated movies in the cinema with him, movies where there was killing, sex and rape. Sadly my parents didn't care about what he saw and when I complained they said "so what its to prepare for his future" so much fucking bullshiiitttttt. Last night when we watched THE GIFT movies, my brother was crying because it was scary, my parents proceeded to yell at him because he was such a pussy, and that if he doesn't shut up my dad will hit him so he can cry all he wants to, and I was like "seriously?"
Already this shit is having an effect on him at school, he gets extremely bad grades and Always gets into trouble with the teacher and had some fight sessions with the kids, and he was only 6 then. I fear for his future
My parents love us, im positive of that but their parenting skills are so fucking awful at the moment.
I was once cheerful and happy, had tons of friends, then they started to complain about my grades and compared me to other people who had straight A's, and wanted me to live up to that expectations, I couldn't. Then me being naturally thin as a man, apparently that was bad and they destroyed my self confidence like that, and me being metrosexual, it didn't help the situation because I wasn't manly enough to my parents expectations, thus I became introverted and had some social anxiety, I prefer alone time to group time and my parents yell at me for that too.
Then I found games, oh my precious games, it literally saved me from suicide, I learned to suck in all the shits people say to me and just relax in front of my computer with my games and enjoy life.
Long story short, should I introduce my brother into my way of living my teenager life, games games games? Or should I try to steer him off the road he's currently on and probably fail, cause his future as a ghetto fuck is looking pretty bright
Yes he is 8 and no games or porn are not the only thing I can offer to him, but if all else fails, I will try games, and I am 16
He did not show distress during the movie, he did after the movie when we were in the car driving home, he cried all of a sudden
(Quick, one-off interjection:)
So at his sudden crying, you did what?
All I want to say is that 16 is young as well. Don't put it off on him like he did something wrong. But if you wanted to and able to, when you turn 18 you can move out and claim your brother or whatever. Basically be his guardian.
I kinda feel the same way about my sister but there's nothing I can do I dont have a voice in my house and the thing about games.. I feel you man