Noob - an insult or not?

RRG - Aug 12 2015 at 15:47
hi guys hi girls
hope you are all well today,
Do you think that the word Noob should be regarded as an insult?
everyone use it in the games and anything. I want a good answer from you <33333 Modreator plz
what do you think??
I think with most names it's more about how they say it than the actual word itself, tone and intent are the insulting factors. Especially with "noob" it can even be endearing within the correct context. Of all the things people do call each other, especially within the gaming community I wouldn't say it's really a name to feel insulted over...naturally of course if it does bother you and you know the person who calls you it you should tell them so, otherwise they might not realise that they were hurting your feelings.
No. It's merely a name for a new person on a forum or something similar to it. Sometimes it's used in context for the intention of the user to set himself "above" the person he is referring to. That type of behavior is more along the lines of pride, arrogance, self importance, whatever...
If someone calls you a noob... Ignore it. It stops eventually.
I had to read this to find out what the word meant. Don't worry as they say above.
I am often called Old git, dopey old man, grandad, all as terms of endearment
Oopth! I'll be late for my own funeral, I will. "Soz".
Still, you got taken care of, that's the main thing.
<33333 Modreator. (:-D)
I'm a n00b. Yuk! Yuk! Yuk! :)
LOL, you're a bonkers is what you are. :-D (but that's alright because you're in excellent company!)