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Is it boredom or lost of interest?

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My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost two years. He lives nearly 3,000 miles away due to where the army placed him. He only gets to visit 1 month a year. I would love to visit him but, I dont make enough money to even dream about getting a ticket. Lately he has been acting very distant towards me. Wont tell me any details of his life, wont call or Skype; we have been reduced to texting and even that he doesn't follow through. He says he is fine but I can't shake the feeling that he doesn't care about us anymore. I'm just confused and alone. Anything helps. Thank you.

Is it boredom or lost of interest?

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Long Distance relationship rarely survive. Seeing him one month in a year! I would tell him that the distance has taken it's toll. He's become distant and that you need more then he is willing or able to give- Read the tea leaves he's moved on it would seem. You should too.

Is it boredom or lost of interest?

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How old are you guys? Taking a Greyhound bus is cheaper than flying (takes longer). Can he paid half of your fare. What is the future plan? when will he get new orders? Ask him point blank does he want this relationship to continue? Why doesn't he want to SKYPE?

Is it boredom or lost of interest?

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We are both in our early 20's. And I honestly never thought of the greyhound. His orders would send him to another country. Which he flat out said no on account of me. He is approximately 3 hours ahead so he goes to bed hours before I do. And he's in higher rank which causes him to work 7days a week for 12+ hours. So I dont know if I'm just being selfish with not being able to Skype everyday.

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