Seeking help

ANONYMOUS1992 - Aug 18 2015 at 12:22
Hi am anounimous am in a relationship with this lady we have been dating for 3 years now and she also has another guy in her life whome they have been together for 7 yrs nw.I truely love her her very much she also says so too but she cant leave him for me nor let me leave her she says she loves us both I knew about the guy since we started dating but he does not know abt me at all I struggle alot when she is is with himit becomes very diffficult for me just a single thought of her brings hate and pain in me i truely love her with all my heart well is it possible for her to love us both equally is it possible that i might end up being the only guy in her life?
If she truly love you she would have ended this one-sided affair. I would imagine that her other guy would not be so understanding about the three way relationship. Why can't she leave him? Is it more that she doesn't want too?
3 yrs is way too much be be playing second string. You should break it off ASAP You must move on and get into a relationship[p that both parties are equal participants.
Your pain will never end if you don't man up and give yourself the chance to meet someone that you don't have to share.
Sorry to hear of your issues with your lady friend! Sadly I have to agree with the previous reply. Affairs of the heart can be difficult on there own let alone when another party is involved! The only true way to know if she cares about you is to have her make a choice. If you don't you will never know whether your truly cared for or just being played! I know your probably afraid of her answer but would you rather know now or have this drag on only to end up even more involved and getting more hurt? I personally would want to know now then later. There is always someone for everyone and by not confronting this issue your allowing yourself to be in a limbo. You deserve true love in return and one that is not SHARED with another! Also she has no right to play with your emotions and apparently having her cake and eat it. Give yourself the love you deserve and find out where you stand. You might be surprised and she picks you. If not it may hurt awhile but at least you know where you stand! The love of your life will happen for you if you allow yourself to move on! If she chooses the other male well that will be her loss and someone elses gain! It never feels good to be played with endless excuses! Better late then never to finally know where you truly stand! Remember this if NOTHING ELSE, WE TEACH PEOPlE HOW TO TREAT US!!!So make up your mind to settle for nothing less than what you yourself is willing to put into a relationship! Best of luck to you!
Someone is going to get hurt badly. It seems it might be you. They say that love is unconditional, can you except she will never be yours? I think if I loved anyone with all my heart, I sure would want all theirs too. I do not like someone else's seconds, do you? These are questions to ask yourself, because one day you will wake up, and hopefully have had enough of your heart being pulled you will walk away. This is an abusive relationship, mentally.