Loving a married man, is it wrong?
DAYGIRL5 - Aug 21 2015 at 18:37
It started out as a friendship, but has gotten so much more deep. It's wrong, I know. He is in a really bad marriage and is coping with a wife who has chemical dependency issues. I am in a bad live in relationship with a man who cheats. The married man and myself, have never even kissed or held hands... but we spend hours together talking, laughing, crying. And have recently told each other we love each other. but still, no crossing lines. I am afraid of where we will end up, I don't want to lose him as a friend. advice??
You're a human being. Your husband is committing adultery with other women. That is grounds for divorce. Your boyfriend's wife has drug issues. Also grounds for divorce.
What do you want to do? What does he want to do? Both of you NEED to be on the same page to move on from where you're at now.
That's all the advice I can offer.
Yes it is wrong.But you can however make it right. Be honorable and do the right thing and you will feel better in the end.
Of course its wrong!! Your husband is doing this to you - You should understand how that feels. Yet you would do this to another woman? I have no sympathy for your situation. You are having an emotional affair with a man who is married. He's obviously willing to be a cheater also. I say you need to steer clear of the both of them. You are setting yourself up for emotional heart break. If the guy is willing to cheat on his wife during a bit of hardship - what makes you think he won't do it to you when the going gets tough? Infidelity is never a good way to begin a relationship. Leave your husband and drop the mistress title. Stop trying to validate yourself with dysfunctional men.
Yes it is wrong to go after a married man. This happened to me. My husband reconnected with a female friend from years ago. They had an emotional affair for over a year. I found emails and pics. Not pleasant! She knew he was married, not that I am blaming just her my husband is just as much at fault as she is.
Do you know for a fact that his wife has a chemical dependency? Or is this just what he has told you, remember there are two sides to every story.
Thank you all... I am going to let this go... move on... keep a healthy distance... I was so wrong for even thinking it was right. hope all have a great day!! Thank you , Again.