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I feel alone and unable to communicate with people anymore

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I am currently in my first year of university but the mental picture that I had before entering has crumbled. I don't have a lot of friends. Ever since my best friend stabbed me in the back, I had this problem making friends, like I can never fully trust anyone new again. It's this dark voice within me that has been whispering negative thoughts into me, causing me to put on a mask. I have been told that when the mask comes off with familiar people I know, I become this whole other person. I talk too much and become weird in general. I don't think and say the first thing that pops into my mind. So, in this new university, I have become much quieter. But, I feel... trapped. Like a bird in a cage. This mental cage that was caused by the backstabbing and the my own personal wish to not scare off new people who could be my friends has caused me. Yet, this in turn has caused people to think that I am anti-social, causing this reverse effect as a result. I have become this awkward person who doesn't know how to communicate with people. Inside, I feel like I have become this dead person, barely alive and simply wearing this skin to accomplish the tasks at hand.

I feel alone and unable to communicate with people anymore

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I know what you are going through as well. Others consider me antisocial because I'm quiet and don't really like to talk to others. Some people are not worth a conservation or can't be trusted. I'm good at meeting someone and can tell if there a good people right then an there. They either give me a good or bad vibe.

I feel alone and unable to communicate with people anymore

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Hi there!I read your post,and I thought maybe you should try taking a speech class at the university maybe it will help you out with communicating with people. When talking with others try to relax and be yourself

I feel alone and unable to communicate with people anymore

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I'm going thru similar feelings. If u want read my own post from August 30. I've always been shy but not with people who know me well. But I started to get more social then had my situation happen, and now I just don't trust people much at all and I clam up.

I feel alone and unable to communicate with people anymore

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What was the stab in the back situation that you say caused the difficulties? Was it the usual lying, etc., that people can do from time to time? Were you a sensitive sort going into that? I got to where I didn't trust people as much, but I can be friendly at first, and then if they do something that I consider out of line, I can be not so friendly. Because one person hurt you, all people are bad? With one person who hurt you, can't you be doubly glad that the next person seems friendly, and doesn't seem to be like the previous person? I know people can be bad, but all people are automatically bad because one person did you wrong? Why can't be that that person is bad?

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