Live or die

NIVI - Sep 8 2015 at 06:22
hi i m divorcee indian woman(32yers). in india live as a divorcee is very difficult. i want to be selfdepend andwant to get government job so i m preparing for that. i m living with my mother and my brother stayed saprately with his wife and 2years doughter before 8 months.but now he has been with us from 8 months. his wife files 498 case on him and files domestic voilence case against us. i m so disturbed and she wants share from in this house this house is on name of my brother and loan property.thats y she wants a room in this house. and v dont want live with her. she has been harassing us from 3 years . i m totally gone in depression because i dont hv anyhing. i want to live but now i cant help for me.age is going time is passing. what should i do i want to live where should i go from this hell how to leave alone my mom.i cant stay in hostal i just hate womans hostals . no one ready to give room for single woman.
When you say "your are preparing for this" does that mean you're now in school? Until you obtain the necessary education to obtain a job that will support you, your options are limited.
You also say "no one ready to give room for single lady" when you are able to support yourself, what's your plan to obtain housing as a single lady? Are there any woman groups helping woman in the same situation?
You must remain focus on getting the necessary education/training completed.
what is your brother doing about this wife of his who is causing you problems? Is she trying to file false charges to get a room in your house? Maybe see a lawyer. Ask your brother to deal with this woman.
do you wish to remarry if you found someone good.. the married female does she have any other accommodation..
its never right to die.. life does get complicated with events .. but we can solve them patiently.. one by look for a job first...
don't give up/// life will get better