Live in mistake

MADEABIGMISTAKE - Sep 12 2015 at 16:16
I met a guy recently and visited him out of state. I fell head over heals in love and he expresses the same feelings. We decided to live together (first time ever for me} and within days he was completely cold, distant and nothing like I thought he was. I feel so stupid because I rushed into this and now my home has changed due to him moving in. I am heart broken as he ignores me in my own home. I was so lonely until I first met him but now I am really lonely.
First let me say that I'm sure you are not the only where this has happened to someone. I, personally, haven't had the chance to move in with a significant other. I know taking advice from someone with no experience with this is hard to believe. Have you confined these feelings with him. Have you told him how you feel and that you feel his behavior has dramatically changed since you two have moved in together? If so, what was his response? If you feel this will continue and you there is no getting better with this situation, then it's time to make steps (no matter how small) in the process of moving out and getting the hell out of that situation. I hope this helps a little. You have the freedom to leave in terms of the fact that you two are not married and do not share children together.
Firstly, take back your own space, this individual has no place in your home so do not allow him to become a permanent fixture. All relationships,in one way or another, are really a reflection of our own "inner state " learn to have more confidence in yourself, and the people you want will ,naturally,gravitate toward you....There is nothing more attractive than one who is filled with self worth..... cling to nothing,other than your own self worth.....and your life will brim over with happiness
May the ~Power,of the mighty storm, be with you !
Everybody makes mistakes- Admit to him that you made a mistake by rushing into this relationship. Unfortunately it's not working out and you want him to move out. How you proceed going forward solely depends on his reaction. If he agrees and moves out-NO problem.
However if he refuses you will need to be more aggressive he must understand by your tone of voice you mean what you say- be reasonable in the time frame (3 days could be reasonable) Remember he was living somewhere BEFORE he met you.
-Do whatever you must to get back in control of your home and your peace of mind.