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I can't trust anyone

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So, my friend Mona asked my friend Ed if he would like to date me. She said his face got really red and that he said,"Maybe next year." I have talked to him since then, but Mona said that he didn't want to talk about it. He has been acting weird around me and has talked to me more since. I like him but i don't want to ruin our relationship, I don't know how to tell him and IF to tell him. Please help me. I am in Jr.High, and I can't trust anyone now. My friends are hiding secrets from me too...

I can't trust anyone

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Hi You should think good about it of you want yo risk your bf for a guy Who is not really interested in you. But when you already looking for Other guys and have bf you should Ask yourself if you really love Your bf. Well dont run after this guy and dont pay too much attention to him, dont call him. Wait until he will call. You can appear suddenly where he is but it must ne like oh what a surprise you are also her! Not obviously show him that you want him. Just make it easy And uncomplicated. Guys does not Like girls who run after them. But think twice perhaps he is an idiot and you will loose your partner!

I can't trust anyone

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U should just ask the guy maybe walk together somewhere just to get things out so its not awkward between yall

I can't trust anyone

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Now that he knows how you feel, step back and see him as a friend. What is your definition of dating? Remember your YOUNG!! Explain what you mean by him acting weird? Let him know that you just wanted to get to know him better-as a friend...Keep it casual... Next year you may have forgotten him all together...

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