I attract creepy guys and old men

NM - Sep 26 2015 at 16:54
I'm a 24 year old woman, single for almost 3 and a half years now. I haven't been with someone for a long time and it's been pretty lonely. I've recently moved to a new exciting city far away from my country to study for my masters. Back home, men never noticed me. I was invisible. Here, I seem to attract creepy guys or old perv men! Now i do not dress provocatively, i dress normally, you could say I blend in easily with the cround as for my appearance. And i do not look older than my age, on the contrary, people always think that I'm 18 and still in high school. So what's the problem? Is there something wrong with me?
Its not your fault. I make similiar experience with men. Men at these days often does not recognize nice woman and also push against you psycologically.
Men at these days has really big problem of communication and see the good site of absence of men: You have not so much problem as with a boyfriend.
Yesterday I was walling alone and this old man came on to me and tried to ass me out, then he told me "you got a nice ass on ya". Others smile creepily at me as if they're undressing me with their eyes. One tried to crab me. I feel so cheep and although i dress normally, they make me feel like i look like a slut or something. I already have major self confidence issues and this doesn't help. Why won't a decent guy notice me? I swear I have a huge heart and have so much to offer. I don't deserve this.
The same happened to me as some idiot crab my ass in the public train.
Other did that next day and did as nothing happened. I will next time slap in his face...
This is real sexual abuse.
Well you should in worse case ask a therapist how to show limits for such men for your own protection.try to ask a therapist but be ware therapist are often crazy and might call you ill ( in this case you should not take them seriously) and searxh for another one.
"but be ware therapist are often crazy and might call you ill"
Therapists are often crazy? QUE?
I don't need a therapist. My problem is not psychological, nor have been raped or sexually assaulted. Yes a guy grabbed me but what can u do they will do that and the next time i will punsh him in the face. My issue here is I want to understand if old men look for certains details in young women that i may have. So maybe i can stop then from being attracted to me. Maybe I'm sending the wrong vibes or something.