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How to ask a professor for help... again

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This is my first time using this and I'm just looking for some advice. I'm a 6th year senior in college and I'm and working through hell and high water to actually graduate this year. But I "fell off the wagon" and now I'm really screwed. I missed classes and then we had school break, and I look at the syllabus this morning to realize that our midterm for one of our classes is today. OH NO! It's acutally started now. I don't want to drop the class but I don't know how on earth to begin. I can't drop the class because I'm on academic probation (we're not allowed to drop classes, and I'm only .1 away from my GPA being in good standing) Basically, what do I email the professor? Or say to her when I visit her inn office hours? How on earth do I ask to retake the midterm once I've studied for it. How the hell do I save this class?

How to ask a professor for help... again

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You must have KNOWN what you were risking when you 'fell', surely? Unless there were extenuating circumstances that justify your having fallen off the wagon and qualify you for a re-take that you can present to your professor, I'm not sure how you do save this class, is my honest answer. So - were there?

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