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Boys don't like me!

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so I'm a 16 year old girl in highschool. im 16 and never kissed anyone haven't texted/called/facetimed a guy ever in my life. girls tell me all the time how pretty I am all the time and I'm not ugly at all but guys won't even look at me! it's killing me because all my friends get guys and have everything I want. I'm so unhappy so lost because I constantly have to watch everyone around me get everything I want. everyone in highschool is having sex and I haven't even kissed anyone. it's pathetic and sad and I don't kno what to do! I'm constantly sad and angry and I always put myself out there but never pays off. I'm just tired of listening to my friends boy drama and listening to what this girl did with her boyfriend last weekend because I can't relate! just tired of it all.

Boys don't like me!

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Hi miss 16 we all went through this during our school days ,you are still very very young just focus on your studies and become a powerful lady and then you will get all men to their knees trust me it will happen

Boys don't like me!

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Lilly- I agree with the poster above. High School can really suck big time. The dating/drama game is not all it's cracked up to be. Stay true to yourself. So many girls your age are doing things just to please some boy who cares only about himself. I went threw rough time in HS with boys and back stabbing girls. I didn't know how pretty I truly was at the time. When you get to college things will get quite a bit better. New people you can befriend and a chance to spread your wings. My daughter had a rough time in HS and I believe that most girls do. Don't feel that you aren't as pretty as your family says you are because you can't be objective about yourself- you are beautiful and girls can be very mean to the prettiest girl in school. Concentrate on your studies and not the other girls who are giving themselves away to boys who don't really give a hoot about them. Stay a virgin as long as possible - you have a precious gift to give a wonderful man who really loves you one day. These girls today who belittle themselves are very sad after their hearts are broken . Write back Lilly. And be strong. Warmest regards, Karen

Boys don't like me!

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Some of the guys feel the same way.

Boys don't like me!

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Hi lily. I'm a 23 your old man who went through very similar issues not so long ago. I know exactly how you feel and the frustrations that it causes. At 16 you have so mauch ahead of you, kids your age make alot of mistakes and too many times have i heard a woman in her 20s regret giving her virginity to the wrong person back in high school. Your still have yours and when the time comes that you meet the perfect man it will be a very special moment in your life. But for now, focus on yourself and school work as you'll have plenty of time for boys in the future, as for your friends talking about there bfs etc.. Just let them know you don't want to hear it. Id be happy to talk with you more about this as i really dislike forums lol im almost always in the chatroom on this site, so drop by and say hi :) If not i wish you the best of luck and remember whatever you do in the future, dont hook up with someone just because you're lonely, that's one of the worsts mistakes you could make. Take care llily and stay safe.

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