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My girlfriend doesn't take pride in her appearance anymore

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Looking for some advice, I really do not want to come across as sexist or shallow as i'm not. I'm 26 and my girlfriend is 24, I love her very much and we have been together for 14 months now. We get on really well and have fun together however over the past few months she has stopped taking pride in her appearance. Now don't get me wrong I still think she is beautiful but for example, she hasn't shaved her legs in a month, rarely wears make-up anymore, doesn't exercise at all, binge eats junk food and only dresses up on special occasions. I get that she is feeling comfortable with me which is a good thing, I never want her to think she can't be herself and needs to be fully done up around me all the time. BUT this has started to get to me and as much as I hate to admit it, I am struggling to find her sexually attractive. She isn't big or anything although I can 100% see it going down that road. If this is how it has become after 14 months, what will it be like in another 14 months or further into the future? I realize it is much easier and quicker for men to take care of ourselves so I get that. Again I stress I am not sexist or pigheaded, I'm concerned for her not wanting to take care of herself and also concerned that she feels that she does not need to make an effort with me anymore. Would love some advice on this, and please no- 'If you loved her you would accept her the way she is.' I do love her and I want to help, for her sake, mine and our relationship. Cheers Ben

My girlfriend doesn't take pride in her appearance anymore

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Hi Ben, Have you talked to her about this? if you haven't you should and see what her response is. one thing you shouldn't do is to criticize her just be very nice about it like I miss your smooth legs or I liked your hair the way you fixed it on our first date.Good luck.

My girlfriend doesn't take pride in her appearance anymore

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Hi there! I had a similar issue with my now ex husband. After our child was born he stopped showering, eating healthy, and just plan taking care of himself. What I used to do was politely as him to shower so we could get it on. LOL. Sounds horrible but the words I usually used were "go shower and meet me upstairs in 20 minutes." later it came out that he was super depressed and just didn't know how to care anymore. Moral of my story is: maybe you need to talk to her about how she's feeling and make sure she's happy. Take her in a romantic date where she feels like getting dulled up. Maybe even surprise her with a nice backbrub to let her know you're there. Good luck!

My girlfriend doesn't take pride in her appearance anymore

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Hi Ben. Maybe she might be feeling a little depressed or maybe like u said she is just comfortable with you. I would just be nice and tell her that u miss how she use to be. Just talk to her maybe she just doesn't know how ur feeling.

My girlfriend doesn't take pride in her appearance anymore

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This is one of those "dam if you do and dam if you don't bring up the issue. Maybe approaching it on the line of " I would really like to see you start pampering yourself again" Suggest both of you joining the gym together. Ask her how she feels about making a regular "date night". Tell her you feel it's important to spend quality time with each other outside work and home. Tell her you miss seeing her sexy side. Surprise her with some sexy lingerie. Woman really like a Spa Day- arrange one for her. It would be hard for her not to get the picture, and hopefully get on board.

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