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I stopped my husband frm talking wit females. As those females wud literally flirt and speak like she s his wife with that kind of voice modulation. Most of t time my husband hides t calls and msgs. I got rely frustrated and strictly told him not to speak wit females. For a month or so he avoided her calls n msgs..!! Sterday he got his promotion list, where his name was not Ther. Tat female happens to be his official colleague who wud give some vital informations about t promotion procedure n t criteria in which they select.. Since he stopped talking.. He didn't get any vital INFOS..!! He is an outstanding employee, almost all his colleagues knew he wud get promotion this time. He s terribly upset n depressed.. He said-- I love u, I don't have anythng else to prove tat I love u. Since u told me not to speak to tat lady.. I lost my promotion. But I'm happy tat I got a chance to prove u my love.. I'm feeling rely guilty.. One side feeling guilty for his lose.. Another side feeling sick for being a source of failure in his career. N angry for blaming me at t end..


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Hi! I don't think you should feel guilty at all. If he lost his promotion because of not talking to her, it sounds to me like harassment on her part. I'm not sure if it would be considered sexual harassment, but it's something. I suggest he talks to his boss and tell him or her what happened.


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Nope.. He says she s a colleague.. Allow me to talk over phone to get some INFOS.. Wich I'm not able to accept..!! I feel so insecured n left alone wen he speaks to anyone. Now if I say u r not valuing me, he immediately says.. Only abiding by ur words I lost t promotion.. Even now u think u r not important for u. He always has a reason n justification for Wat ever he does.. Even if I say it distrubs me, he ll say don't feel like that.. Tats all.. Over I shud b back to normalcy..!!

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