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Cheating suspicious

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I'm currently in a relationship, I've been with my partner for 8 or so months. When we first started dating we both got STD checks and the results came back negative for both of us. Recently he had symptoms and what not so he went for a STD check and it has come back positive for chlamydia. Does this mean he has definitely cheated on me? he's telling me he didn't and that he never would but i don't know what to do. I need help on making a good decision, we are together most of the time 3/7 nights we aren't together though.the test results are proof but i dont have actually proof that he has had sex with someone. (like a particular name)

Cheating suspicious

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The truth lies in the STD Report "positive for chlamydia". Chlamydia is transmitted through a sexual encounter. Men will usually show signs within a couple of weeks (penis discharge, itching burning when urination just some of the symptoms). So yes he has been with one else. Get your self check out immediate. Demand the the truth. The name is not as important as the truth about the encounter. Stop denying the obvious.

Cheating suspicious

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Notice he hasn't blame you for giving it to him, why because he knows it wasn't you. Having unprotected sex is really stupid, he needs to know that you're not buying the "he never would cheat story". Remember this is a "sexually transmitted" disease. Now that your eyes are wide open- don't turn a blind eye.

Cheating suspicious

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("Notice he hasn't blame you for giving it to him,". Nicely observed, and good to see you posting again, SK. :-))

Cheating suspicious

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Soulmate: Good to be back!

Cheating suspicious

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Get yourself checked immediately. I agree with Soulmate and Skinnygirl - he has been cheating. There is no other way to get chlamydia. And whatever you do, don't blame yourself (I know we women have a tendency to do that). Just be glad you found out now - could have been much worse down the road. You have the option now to get out of the relationship.

Cheating suspicious

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"(I know we women have a tendency to do that)" Yes. Just like the Pope has a tendency to be Catholic. ;-D

Cheating suspicious

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(Nice one!)

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