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I met this guy in 2012 and we are still in serious relationship but he keep comparing me with his ex girlfriend the reason he left her was because she lied to him about her age. His ex is older than him. And till now he still have his ex girlfriend picture. Comparing me with her was not enough and he still have those pictures and when I ask him about those pictures he told me there is nothing wrong in it. And he beat me when we argue and if he tell me to stop and I refuse cause of how he provoked me, he will slap and hit me. Even when he wants to shout at me he do it not minding if people are around us, sometimes he raise his voice at me in public even though I did something wrong but I hate being embrassed. I really love this guy but I don't know what future hold for us.


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Above all else going on in your post, ask yourself how you can have a serious relationship with a guy who abuses and beats you, regardless if he's still 'connected' to his ex or not. Yes, you may love him but at what price? Do you really expect to have a future with a guy like this? insecure and disrespectful individual who decides to take his frustrations out on you anywhere it suits him because of something that happened in HIS past?


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yes - no reason at all to accept him bullying you and beating you up - love has nothing to do with this except the love (and respect) you have for yourself : put yourself first and get out - you deserve much better.


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Well I feel as if he doesn't love u or care if u have expressed how these photos make u feel but yet he keeps them around. If my bf ever compared me to his ex or kept the pics around I would definitely be done and leave and how healthy is this relationship anyways if he's hitting you. That is not right. I feel as though that men who hit women are disgusting and they'll never change. Do u really want to be in a relationship where u are constantly disrespected?? You don't deserve that no one does. Leave his stupid ass and find a man who would never dream of hitting a woman. This is not right. It sounds like a toxic relationship to me love. Let him keep his pictures of his ex and find someone better. You deserve better.


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This guy is an abuser and will always be one. His disrespect you by keeping his Ex pictures and beats you if you voice your feelings. GET OUT NOW! Now is the the time to decide what you want in a relationship and what you will NOT tolerate. When you tolerate abusive behavior the behavior will just continue. Being beat/slapped is not acceptable behavior from ANYONE. Be strong and stand up for yourself. Get man who will love you back they way you would love him- I believe you know you should leave. Love does not beat, nor slap, nor demean or disrespect.

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