The other girl

NIKK28 - Nov 19 2015 at 04:44
I have been with my bf for 9 months now and things are amazing between us. He and i work together but that has never been an issue. I have however noticed recently that he is going out of his way to talk to another girl at work. For example he has a view of our break room from his cubical and i have noticed multiple times now that whenever she goes in there to the microwave or to get coffee he immediately gets up from his desk to "go get water" and stands in there talking to her. I have also caught him checking her out on more then one occasion. I don't notice her doing any flirting back and she never goes out of her way to talk to him but it kind of makes me feel sick. He has no idea that i am aware of all this and I cant imagine confronting him about it. Am I making something out of nothing or should i be worried?
you should ask him quite clearly what is going on : if he says you are only imagining things - then say you don't - and start collecting data as facts to back up what you say : facts always speak louder then words - if he can't be clear about what he's doing then that means he's not being clear with himself and can thus not be clear with you : it is not your job to take on his confusion if he doesn't know what he wants.
Don't second guess your gut or in this case your "eyesight". If you confront him he'll just deny it and make you feel silly for even suggesting such a thing. Remember Man Code is: Deny! Deny! Deny!
Perhaps you could strike up a conversation with this girl, take a break to get some water see if the vibe gets strange. Maybe run in yourself and make up something that would indicate to her that this is your BF, say something like " Hey Mark how about a pizza tonight? or something would pertain to you/him. At this point just continue to observe.
i dont think you are making something out of nothing.
you should totally check him.