Very painful sex

ANONYMOUS526 - Nov 21 2015 at 20:57
My husband and I have been married for three weeks... We love each other very much, but I'm frustrated. I was a virgin when we got married, and he had only had sex once, a few years ago. I'm still a virgin. We've tried so many times, but it's so painful for me when he tries to penetrate that we haven't been able to go all the way. A book I read suggested using lube if it's painful but that didn't help, either... In fact, the lube made the pain worse. Every time we try I get so frustrated, because I don't feel fulfilled by just trying... I want all of him. Not just foreplay and then near-unbearable pain. I need help... I don't know what to do. I've tried everything that's been suggested and nothing has helped. I'm 20, if that's of any consequence, and he has no problem getting and keeping an election, so it's all me.
See a sex therapist. There are conditions that can make sex unbearably painful to women. BTW they're treatable
First see your OBYGN you need a medical examination Your doctor examination you will give you a medical perspective of what may be causing your pain.
u should see a doctor becuz there is some kind of hymens that need a medical intervention becuz of their thickness..and no worries it s totally normal
Thanks, everyone. We can't afford that right now, though. It's taking a toll on both of us.
Find a free clinic in your area, there must be one in your area. You must be seen by a doctor.