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Is my partner girlfreind cheating

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Hi I'm not sure weather I'm being paranoid but my girlfreind who I have been with for ten years and have 3 children with has afreind who she claims to have known for years. She also claims that he is gay. For the past two weeks I have went to work he has turned up when I'm not in. Last night I set the bed up in such a way I would know if anyone had been in the bed and someone had been. Also recently when we have had sex iv noticed her bits seem to be a lot slacker than it normally is and she doesnt seem to be enjoying it like normal. Iv asked her about this and she says I'm being paranoid. I'm 27 and she is 24. The guy who is supposed to be gay is 22. What's your thaughts guys your help will be great full.

Is my partner girlfreind cheating

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Wow, Ten years, your 27 and she is 24 with 3 children.Maybe you are being paranoid. why she can't have a friend ? if they have been friends for years don't you know him well enough to trust him around your family ? You say you set the bed in a way that you will know if it has been bothered so you are saying that the bed can't be touched without you being home. I don't believe she is cheating...ijs

Is my partner girlfreind cheating

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He has only come on the scene in the last two weeks. She has loads of freinds especially males. Iv also found nude photos on her phone via her email address were she has sent him messages. Thankyou for your help

Is my partner girlfreind cheating

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U wil have to look for more evidences. however ten yrs is a big time to build it the fst incident in ten yrs?

Is my partner girlfreind cheating

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Request a proper introduction to her friend if you have't met him. Ask how did they re-connect. How did you find out he was visiting? Tell her going forward you don't want ANY male friends visiting when you're not home. Who are the nude photos of?

Is my partner girlfreind cheating

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Yes, are you telling us she's sent this "gay" male friend nude photos of herself? If she has, that rather suggests CASE CLOSED. Agree it's neither appropriate nor acceptable for ones spouse to entertain single and available friends of the opposite sex in your home when you're not there and without your prior consent each and every time. And, anyway, who takes themselves off for a nap when they've a lone guest in their house? Or what bloke who was "uuuuurh, a bit too tired to drive home" would want to nap in the most personal territory belonging to another male (unless it's you he fancies? LOL). Here's the rub: if YOU don't like it (and it's you and your personal morals and sensitivities she married), then - tough titty to her! The rule would apply just the same if it were you doing it and SHE found it alarming. That's marriage for ya.

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