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I don't know what to do

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My boyfriend and I have been dating for more than a year now and we grew close very quickly, great connection. He had just been through a divorced so he didn't wanna open a bank account that his ex wife could possibly try and take even more money from him, so I offered to let him put the small amount of money he had left after the divorce in my bank account. He agreed which showed me he had so much trust in me. We now been sharing that account for about maybe 10 months and have had no problem with our arrangement of things, it is still under only my name, but we call it our money not mine or his money. We have talked about marriage and me moving in with him so we both are on the same page, that this is for the long run. However recently I discovered that he took out a seperate bank account at another bank without telling me about it, and I don't know how long he's had it. I don't know if I should confront him about it or if I should just wait till he tells me. I'm afraid that if I confront him he will lie to me tell me a bogus excuse and ruin our trust, or he will say he was about to tell me and I'll have to believe it and then maybe he will feel like it's okay to lie to me. What do I do?

I don't know what to do

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Hi, read ur issue. Firstly, take time and rethink on ur marriage as he iz a divorcee. If possible consult his wife and know da reason y she divorced him. Later check how much he iz dependent on ur money by continuing bein sweet to him. Is he working??? Bcaz these days der r many men who has da greed of gettin money from der gal. Either she should work, hav good property, or bank balance. So chk al the things properly. Marriage is a key decision for ur rest of ur life happiness. Tc

I don't know what to do

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As you describe your circumstances together in your post, your BF has already betrayed your trust together if he has opened another bank account without your knowledge. If you guys are on the same page and everything is 100% good with your relationship, then you need to ask yourself why you're afraid he will lie to you and why you perceive that he will think it's OK to do so. You don't have to believe any reason he gives you, rather you should ask yourself why/how you find yourself in this situation to have to ask in the first place. You also need to realize that your BF may take a long time to get over his previous marriage and until this happens (however long it takes) he cannot succeed with you, regardless of what you guys have agreed on for the future.

I don't know what to do

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I believe in "It's all how you start out" Address it with him, better to deal with it now than later. Maybe he'll have a good reason.. You should avoid co-mingling funds. You need to separate your money from his, obviously him having a account is no longer an issue.

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