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She lost her sex drive, I'm losing my mind

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My girlfriend of 3+ years has zero sex drive for at least the last 18 months. Understandably, she has undergone some shifts in her life, with a career change and potentially hormonal shifts caused by going off birth control and anxiety medication. However, these shifts were set into motion over a year ago (except the career change), and the sex drive has not returned. Meanwhile, all other things are going great. We're deeply emotionally connected, care for each other, and have tried numerous things to spark the romance and awaken the urge. But my frustration is growing as I have no constructive sexual outlet (besides self-pleasure). Moreover, I have an ongoing feeling of "missing out" on the experience of having a flowing sexual chemistry with a loving partner. At this point, we're like roommates who sleep in the same bed (and snuggle daily). Her gyno has not been very helpful. Her testosterone is a bit low, but not dangerously so. Any ideas on what we can do?

She lost her sex drive, I'm losing my mind

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How old is your girlfriend? If her testosterone level is a bit low then maybe she should ask her doctor for something to get the levels up a bit. Just because her levels are not dangerously low , maybe a little help in a getting the levels up a bit might be of help. Mediation can effect hormonal levels as well as a loss of libido. Why did she get off birth control? I would seek a second opinion with a doctor. How is your fore play game going? Maybe a date, a little wine, may some roses (for no reason at all), bubble bath followed by a massage, some music, Luther Vandross ALWAYS WORKS! how are you in the oral department (always a crowd hit)? Sex is important in any relationship, so keep the communication going. She should rule out any physical reasons, then maybe seeing a sex therapist could help.

She lost her sex drive, I'm losing my mind

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TO: @THE LAST DUCHESS: I really enjoyed your informative response to SATCHMOM post. He now has clear outlined plan to which he can follow. Can I assume you're in the medical field? One of the reasons I like this site is that it gets very informative and useful information. I hope you continue to post your replies here.

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