Hidden and secret

DANCER_BABY_ - Dec 5 2015 at 06:46
Well, sigh, I have this boyfriend. And the only complaint I have is that he doesn't want his sister to find out about us, his parents dont allow him to date yet, which i think is bogus because hes 16, but hes scared that if his sister finds out about us that she'll blackmail him. But, because he doesn't want his sister to know, we never get to talk, and I feel like he isn't proud of me. I'm getting depressed and don't know how to tell him how I feel. Please help
Hey Dancer_baby,
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. But I think I can help by simplifying the problem.
Unfortunately, there's not much I can say about his parents (its a parent thing, and honestly, I think that he should tell his parents).
The whole sister dilemma is something that he (and you) are just going to have to accept and work around.
The big thing, I feel is the depression part. It's going to be tough, but you're just going to have to tell him how you feel. Be honest with him and yourself. Trust is the foundation in any relationship, and if you can't trust if you can't be honest with one another.
If you don't mind me asking. Do you know why he's not allowed to date others? How long have you two been dating?
If u think he is loyal n sincere then u shud come out of this depression, he may b true abt the sis thing and u shud console him instead of creating problems for him.
Prefer quality time over quantity !!
loose him and find new boyfriend unless he's your "Knight and Shining Armor". You woman complain about stupid things in your own fantasy world up in your head.
Are you happy in your situation?
Probably it's not.
Did you know what is the reason why?
Because it is it is not yet the right time for you and to your boyfriend.
For me, prioritize first those more important things.
If God says yes in your relationship with your boyfriend then you will be at the right time.
Don't get mad. All things happen for a reason