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I 'dislike' people

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After looking about the internet for ages, I just decided to forum it! So pretty much, I don't like being around or interacting with people and I would just rather stay indoors on my computer all day. When I think about it more, I actually end up liking the people around me less and less so eventually I end up realizing that I only have a few friends and dislike the rest of the people I know and hang around with. I wouldn't say I'm a misanthropist, but I really don't like being around people, especially those I don't know. Soo... I dunno, does anyone have advice or something, thanks :)

I 'dislike' people

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i dun think u shud be worried some ppl are introvert natured so are you... but if you want to socialise you can but be around only nice ppl dun go for friends only,either good or bad.

I 'dislike' people

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you may indeed be of the introvert type and that's ok - but are there any reasons for you not wanting to have relations ? and what is it you find on your computer that you don't find in real life ? what is it you "expect" or would like from people ? what type of relations would you appreciate, what subjects of discussion, ways of relating, things to do ? what is it about those "others" you don't like ? maybe it is you need more of a sense of "relatedness" - something to have in common and/or to share about hence you not liking to be with people you don't know also, today's society is pretty much an "internet society" - virtually connected (and disconnected at will) : so people do spend more time on the internet because it's more immediate, less time/money wasted in traveling to go and see someone and face to face entails more then just words : face to face relations tend to show all those "unperfect" things of ourselves - so easy to hide behind a screen and real relations entail time : a relation "organically" develops whereas an internet connection can get disconnected at any time - easy come easy go maybe those are questions you may want to look into :)

I 'dislike' people

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I'm a 4th year psychology student studying abnormal and behavioral psychology. I will be going to med school to study neuroscience. Until you are a practicing doctor or licenced social worker, clinician, etc., you don't go around diagnosing people like some fortune teller, because that's what you're doing without properly assessing and evaluating the "patient". I do want you to understand there are A LOT of explanations for your behavior, from simply being more introverted than others to being a full blown sociopath (very famous diagnosis for people like Ed Gein who inspired Texas Chainsaw Massacre or Hannibal Lectar from Silence of the Lambs). Because I say this does not mean you should assume this type of role or think your condition is worse than it is. Just as people say life is a balancing act, all disorders appear on what is called a continuum, which could be thought of like a number line. If you had a continuum for what you are asking about, it might be numbered 1-30 and most people would fall between a 1 and 10, with 1 being those who enjoy being around people, 5 for those who don't care one way or the other, and 10 for those who are like you that would rather be inside alone. People with certain mental disorders would score higher than 10 and the absolute worse of the worse murders in solitary confinement who have no conscious for human life, no understanding of feeling or emotion, etc, and act out on rage would be a 29 or 30. The fact you DON'T LIKE being around others means you feel something. The fact you're not in prison for murder means you have concious for human life. The fact you do have a few people you call friends or at least aquatinences means you don't score very high. I'm going off a guess here, but I'm thinking you're young. This is a pretty normal feeling at the later teen/ early adult years.

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