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My boyfriend and I haven't spoken in 5 days after argument

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'Josh' and I have been together for about 7 months, we see each other several times each week, get along great, have amazing chemistry. I've never fallen as hard for somebody as I have with him. Both of us are at grad school and on top of that I work part time and Josh has plenty of hobbies that keep him busy- but we always make time to see eachother. Josh has depression which is not something he likes to talk about, and only something he let me know about after we had a little blip a couple of months ago. Because of this I guess usually when something bothers me I try not to get angry, or I try and approach things open and honestly. Because Josh's parents live out in Dubai he goes back there over the holidays. Last Tuesday I went round to his house and Josh, myself and his housemates had a big Christmas meal to celebrate and afterwards went out to a club. Everything was great and I ended up staying round his. In the morning he seemed a little distracted but I knew he had a lot to sort out before he went home so I said goodbye and we agreed to meet on the Thursday before he went home to exchange gifts. I sent him a text that (Wednesday) afternoon asking if everything was okay, just because he seemed a little off this morning. I got no reply and assumed he was just busy- until later that evening I noticed he had been active on face book (he only ever uses it on his phone) and on top of that while he hadn't opened a snapchat I had sent him he had clicked and viewed the one on my story (silly, I know, but it really seemed like he was avoiding me). I sent him a second text asking if I'd done something to upset him and he replied immediately that 'I'm just busy with other stuff right now. Left my phone at home all day'- I pointed out that that couldn't really be true, and that if there was a problem I'd rather he told me than intentionally ignore me or there would be nothing I could do to sort it and he didn't reply. The next day (Thursday) came and I figured he probably was busy with packing so I'd wait for him to text me about exchanging presents like we had agreed and give him a little space to cool off. It got to 8:20pm and I still hadn't heard anything so I sent him a message saying

My boyfriend and I haven't spoken in 5 days after argument

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Hey, did you still want to exchange presents tonight? xx". He responded with "I can't I'm too busy". No sorry, no kisses, short and blunt. I replied that I hated the thought of not seeing each other even for five minutes before he left for three weeks, he just responded 'I don't have time'. I then offered to bring it round to his house, and said I didn't want any kind of argument especially since it was christmas and it's the time you let people know how much they mean to you. He responded with 'no its fine i don't have time I'm busy with other things right now'. I told him I understood he was busy, I was too (one of my closest friends had had a heart attack at the age of 24 the night before, he was okay but I'd been visiting him all day at the hospital) but couldn't he put aside five minutes since I wouldn't see him in three weeks. He responded 'stop trying to make me seem like a monster because i have other things I need to do'. I told him I didn't think he was a monster, I loved him and that I just hated the idea of leaving things over christmas like this because we'd both feel crap. I told him I've always been understanding when he's been busy, and I've never tried to interfere or stop his hobbies or his work and it was a little unfair to suggest that. He sent a final message saying 'just STOP it. you're being so selfish. I have work to finish for tomorrow and haven't started packing why can't we just do things after xmas? you're pestering me even though i've just told you loads of times I'm doing other things right now. it's just getting ing ridiculous.'. I'm wondering if part of the issue was the gift giving itself. I know at the christmas dinner he said he felt nervous about his gift because he didn't think it was any good, and that he thought I might be disappointed. His friends were even mocking him about it and he said he was already pre-planning 'making it up to me'. He had half suggested giving it to me then to 'get it over with'. So I'm not sure what to make of that. Especially as I spent ages picking a thoughtful gift I knew he'd love (I bought him his favorite teams football which had been signed by some of the players in a charity auction a few weeks ago). I was really upset. What upset me the most was that if he had let me know in advance, or said sorry, it wouldn't have been a bit issue. But if I hadn't have texted him he would have bailed on the plan we had already made to meet and exchange gifts without so much as an explanation or an apology- I would have been left sitting there not knowing what was going on and then gone away for three weeks. It also upset me that he snapped 'why can't we just do things after xmas' because he hadn't suggested that AT ALL. All he said was no I'm busy without making future arrangements. I should also add that during the exchange I tried to call him twice so we could speak properly about it and both times he rejected mt call. I've also been really open with him in the past about his depression if he's having a bad day or needs some space just to let me know what's going on and I'll understand- but that it isn't okay just to ignore me because it makes me feel like I've done something wrong and it upsets me. That's why I'm kind of unsure if I upset him him in some way initially so he ignored me, or if he really was busy and having a tough time and I upset him by 'pestering' him in his words. Now we haven't spoken since and I have not clue what to do. At the time I felt like I'd done nothing wrong but now I don't know if I should just apologize to keep the peace. It's horrible that he hasn't reached out and I don't know what to do- if I should reach out to him first or keep playing the waiting game. I know we haven't broken up , he's the kind of guy who would be up front about it- and also I think he wouldn't have mentioned doing the gift thing after Christmas. But that kind of makes it more frustrating.

My boyfriend and I haven't spoken in 5 days after argument

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He said he was nervous about the gift he had for you, he also thought it wasn't any good and you might be disappointed. His friends were also mocking him about his gift for you they apparently didn't think much of it. He told you he was already planning to make it up to you. I think somehow it may have gotten back to him what your gift to him was and felt too embarrassed to give you his gift. So let's give him the benefit of the doubt. However he was very rude and mean towards you. STOP APOLOGIZING ! You have nothing to apologize for he's the one that owes you an apology. Wait until he reaches out to you.

My boyfriend and I haven't spoken in 5 days after argument

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You have made numerous attempts to "draw him out"... to reach provide opportunity to express his thoughts, feelings, etc. and he has chosen to remain aloof and also somewhat disrespectful. At this point, i would no long approach him, but allow him the opportunity to now reach out to you, however long this will take. He needs to first of all apologize to you and find a way to make it up to you. Interestingly, he is trying to make you feel guilty for his aloofness and he has somewhat succeeded in that you feel you need apologize to keep the peace. It is obvious that he is struggling with some issues. Keep this in mind as you consider a future with him as this will not be the last time he does this. Prepare for many more episodes like this. History has a way of repeating itself.

My boyfriend and I haven't spoken in 5 days after argument

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Agree x 2. Plus, at only 7 months along, he might have found the sound of that gift a bit scarily "too much" and is now trying to push you a couple of inches away (i.e. make you WANT to step away a bit - hence the unfair, seemingly unwarranted noises), to give him room to think as well as cool you down a tad, back more to where he still is?...albeit lacks finesse and cleverness of method?

It's a dance. When you dance with a man you're supposed to let HIM lead.

Imagine if he deliberately dropped his hankie and then sat there, so obviously waiting for you to pick it up for him. Or same with waiting for you to walk around the bonnet and open his car door for him. What would you think/how would you feel?

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