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My husbands anxiety toward sex

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Hello, I am not sure if I will be able to find any advice on here but I really think I just need to talk about it,more than anything. I don't have anyone I am comfortable talking about sex with. Anyways, I am 26 and my husband and I have been married for a year and a half but been together and loved together for 6.5 years. Over the past few years sex has become more and more rare but I know that happens. We got together when we were 19 and he was a virgin. We had sex constantly it seemed like. Now he never initiates it and when I try he pushes me away. So for the first time 3 weeks ago we had a very deep conversation, both of us crying, and he finally said Every time he thinks about having sex or when I approach him, he gets anxious. He starts overthinking it and can't just do it. It has now been over 4 months since we have had sex and I am about to go insane. I know everyone is probably thinking he is cheating or he doesn't find me attractive but I really don't think so. I truly believe his anxiety, but I am not sure how to deal with it.

My husbands anxiety toward sex

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Good you got him to open up about it. Is he under stress at work? Has he always had anxiety issues or is this new? Do you know if he watches porn? There are men who are addidicted to masterbatng to porn. Suggest he get a physical to rule out any physical issues. Then he needs get into counseling to deal with his emotional/mental and anxiety issues, something is going on to cause such a change in his behavior.

My husbands anxiety toward sex

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Hi, can he not talk about his anxiety with you? Could it be he has lost his confidence altogether through other things - work, money, family? The porn thing mentioned can have a bearing as it gives a distorted view of sex and misses all the emotional aspects that I suspect he is suffering with.

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