Want watch wife has sex with stranger!
AKGUY - Jan 13 2016 at 18:22
We been married 30 years we married young . I got bladder cancer and can only give her oral and playing with her , she really doesnt like vibrators so we gave them up. Its been since 2005 since had a man inside her. She been a good wife been with thru good and bad i just wish i could find the right guy and place so she could be pleased for once. Does anyone have any ideas or thoughts ? She has needs and she deserves it thanks
Just out of interest: If this is about her needs alone, as you suggest, then why is one of your conditions that you get to be present and watch? Are we talking, for your mental pleasure or to afford you a sense of control and reassurance in case she might skidaddle with whomever it was and leave you high and dry?
Also, is this her request or your idea for a solution?