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Another breakup

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This is my 5th boyfriend... And he was amazing. Then we got in a fight and just like that he dumped me. We had slept togther and everything. I still love him, but he shoves me away like I'm dirt. Then I have been interested in his best friend, who I have known for years. He was my ex's wingman back when we first got together, about 2 years ago. I don't know whether I should move on our keep trying to work things out with my ex. Help me!!!

Another breakup

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What was the argument about? If he was willing to dump you that quickly, then I would say move on. It looks like he has made up his mind already. If he actually cares about you and wants the relationship back, then he will tell you. Now, if you just "HAVE" to talk to him again, let him know that you are done because you see that your attempts to get him back are going nowhere and you don't like the treatment he is giving you. How long have you waited between boyfriends? I ask because you mentioned that this is your 5th. I would wait awhile before you get another boyfriend, especially if there have been short wait periods between your past relationships. It would give you enough time to reflect on why there were problems in the past. Why did you mention your interest in the best friend if this topic is about the one who just dumped you? Does the argument have to do with the best friend?

Another breakup

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Yeah, I think we need to know more about this fight you had with your boyfriend. You mentioned that you slept together. Well, doing that can really impact things, and maybe it made your partner feel awkward. Also, did you date this guy for 2 years, or was that a previous ex who was also friends with this wing-man you're now interested in? Tiles makes a solid point when questioning whether you've given yourself enough time between relationships. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with having had that many ex boyfriends, there isn't. But if most of your recent relationships haven't lasted very long then perhaps you need to rethink how you handle dating. You really liked the guy, but you say you fought, and that he dumped you. And then he shoved you away. I feel like we could give more certain feedback with more details, but it sounds like maybe this just wasn't the guy for you. All I can say is, did you try talking to him since? If not, you might find some of the answers you're looking for just by doing that. Perhaps there's more to this story? But your interest in this friend leads me to believe that you are jumping too quickly from one relationship to another. Did you like this friend all along, or did you only just recently develop an attraction to him? What made you choose the other guy over the wingman to begin with? Know that it's perfectly fine to be single sometimes, and maybe after the end of complicated relationships it's a healthy thing. Use the time to focus on improving yourself, and figure out what you really want out of life.

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