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Advice please

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Long story short, been with my fiancé over 5 years. He is the one I've been waiting for my entire life, and even though we have had some troubles, I really thought we were going to spend the rest of our lives together. Things had been different and a few weeks ago he confided about cheating on me a couple months ago. Said it was nothing and he loves me and wants to be with me. We took a break so I could figure things out for myself and we decided to try slowly. There was still something there between us, and I thought things were going well. But he seemed confused. One day he wanted to be with me, the next he wanted to be with his family. Last night he told me he feels empty, that he tried to make it work but he feels nothing. I'm so heartbroken :(

Advice please

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hello everyone, im Doris, i just want to reach out to anyone who needs help solving either personal problems or financial problems. i suggest you reach out to [e-mail address removed] and he will be able to fix whatever as he did for me.

Advice please

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Hey I'm sorry to hear about you troubles. This guy sounds kind of flakey. He cheats on you and then can't make up his mind if he wants to fix thing with you or not? Um m sorry but I think it would be better to if you just moved on. As hard as that is it may be for the best. I know how hard it is to let go of someone you love. Iv been with mine for 12 yrs. We have a lot of problems that I'm not so sure can be fixed anymore. Yet I'm still here for now. So trust me when I say I do know how hard it is. I know the pain all too well. But you need to do for you. Whatever that may be. Find happiness wherever you can. Cause what is life without happiness? Its miserable is what it is. Haven't you had enough misery? I don't know if this will help you any but I hope it will. Good luck.

Advice please

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There is always heartbreak when a relationship ends. As the saying goes "Breaking Up Is Hard To Do". If this is how he feels then accept it. What caused him to confess about his affair? maybe this was his way of breaking up. Better to endure your hurt now rather than to delay the pain in a marriage with children. I don't think he wants to be with his family, he wants his freedom. Putting your feelings aside, were there signs you chose to ignore? Him saying "he loves you and wants to be with you" is what you want to hear/believe yet his ACTIONS speak the truth. Remember when one door closes another opens- move on so that you can meet who is looking for you.

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