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My mind is obsessed with sex

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Like seriously, its really getting out of control. When I was younger i just thought it was normal, but now I am 21 and it's just getting worse. Im a complete virgin, raised in a Christian home, and I can not understand why I am like this. I can't even walk by a pretty girl without thinking about how her vagina would feel on me, how it would look, or taste. Its fucking eating me alive because, im very mediocre chance of me ever having a girlfriend is fairly low, I can't even talk to girls. My constant thinking of something I want so bad drives me crazy. I even tried watching gay porn to see if it would get my mind off of it, and it only made it worse I even began getting dark and twisted with my sexual thoughts. Thinking about how tight the privates on a little girl would be, or even about rape. I hate it, because ima nice person generally. Its getting warm over here at my campus, and girls are starting to wear revealing clothing more so the thoughts aren't stopping, I stare constantly.Sometimes I just get so hard it hurts, and if I don't get something off. it feels like I'm going to die. I know no one probably have any answers but I just wanted to get this out. People tend to think ima nice guy, but in reality I'm not.

My mind is obsessed with sex

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If you are thinking about little girls and rape, you need to seek treatment at a psychological facility in your area before you ruin someone's life . Sex is a normal thing to desire but you need to get a hold of yourself and seek help if it's this much of an issue. I plea to you to find a psychologist and if u cannot afford one, call a few places and ask about a sliding scale payment or income based plan. Also, you have a lot of pent of sexual needs that aren' met. Do not feed the bad ones(by watching child or teens or rape). Feed the healthy ones. Maybe if you hired a hooker or something so you can maybe see what sex is actually like. Or how about joining some group at school that would force you to have healthy interactions with other females to teach yourself how to cope with the thoughts of sex. But whatever you do, do not ruin a poor child's life because you have sexual needs. It will literally ruin them. Rape on anyone young or old is a complete betrayel to human kind. Do not feed that desire! Do not entertain it! No child porn or rape porn! N seek psychological help.

My mind is obsessed with sex

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It's good that you are recognizing this. I've had some problems with this, also. I've had a touch of being sex abused, and thought it might be attributed to that. Have you been sexually abused? I think, too, it's a part of the brain that is over active, as with an alcoholic, a drug abuser, an over-active gambler, etc. It could also be part of obsessive/compulsive. Have you checked the net search engine to see if that applies to you? At a time when that was a concern of mine, I was on a particular anti-depressive medicine. My psychiatrist took me off of that for a different reason, but I noticed after I got on the new anti-depressant that my interest dropped considerably. I think what was happening was, the old anti-depressant was activating a part of my brain that was connected with sex, and it really had me going. As an anti-depressant, one can understand how that could happen, since that medicine is supposed to get you going. Are you taking any medicine? Did this begin at a certain age? Did it begin when there was a change in your life, such as a new town, a new school? Some people eat more when they're isolated. I did, so this may be making up for some deficit in your life. But I think it's a part of your brain that's more activated, since the medicine did that to me. I think you need to see a psychiatrist, or someone who specializes in sex problems. I think medicine to -de-activate that part of your brain might be a big help. I think trying different medicines to see which one might work best would be a good way to go. A psychiatrist who specializes in this issue might quickly know of some medicines which have helped with this. Have you checked the search engine under sex problems or sex addiction to see what it says. Do they list any medicines which have helped. Whatever you find, tell your doctor about that so see what they may think. I don't think there is anything wrong with you. I think you have a stuck accelerator, like in a car. I think as soon as you get that part of your brain slowed down that you will be OK. You have a chemical imbalance. How about that one? You said, "Like seriously, its really getting out of control. When I was younger i just thought it was normal, but now I am 21 and it's just getting worse. Im a complete virgin, raised in a Christian home, and I can not understand why I am like this." So, you're 21. You said it had been going on for a long time, and now it's worse. I think you should at least try a psychiatrist, or one that specializes in sex problems, and just see what they say. See if there are any medicines that they might recommend. Try some of them and see if one of them works. Again, out of curiosity you would want to find out what they have to say. It might be something simple like a medicine. When you were 15 maybe that didn't come to anyone's mind. But now at 21, you more mature and realize that there could be some help for you. I'm manic-depressive and take lithium. I wish I had taken it 15 years earlier, but I wasn't diagnosed right, and therefore wasn't medicated right. But the lithium calmed me down like I wouldn't believe. I felt like the air had been let out of balloon. I didn't know I had been that tense, and didn't know there was a tablet I could take which would help me. This could be a simple situation for you, also. You may be a doctor's visit away from getting help. If you wait 5 or 10 years before trying to get help, you're going to be kicking yourself. Again, check on the net and you decide what experts are saying about that situation and what, if anything, has been found to help it. Your curiousity should at least lead you to that. This is up to you. One of two things is going to happen if you go to the doctor: 1. there's no help. 2. there is help. What are you waiting for to find out? You may have to get mature fast to work on this issue. You may need to be positive going in that you can solve this problem, or at least try to. A saying goes, "We learn when we fall down. We die when we don't get back up." The ball is in your court.

My mind is obsessed with sex

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Dude - what you're going through is 100% normal imo. It sounds like you're young, so these obsessive thoughts and fantasies about sex (as long as your "rape" scenarios are just a fantasy and you have it under control), are normal. You don't need to 'deactivate' parts of your brain - I'm not sure what that even means.

My mind is obsessed with sex

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You may be in a situation where you don't want your parents to know what your situation is, and they may be the ones with the health insurance, which pays for any doctor. So that may be a bigger problem than your problem. If you just had this problem, then you could just go to a doctor and get it fixed, maybe. But if you have to go through your parents to get to the health insurance, and have to get their approval, and have to let them know the details and.... Then that could be a problem bigger than the original problem. Can you tell your parents that you are having emotional problems and you want to see a psychiatrist? That itself could be controversial in many families. You could say, well, I just need to talk some things out with a psychiatrist.... I think you are going to have to attempt to get through this barrier. At 21, you should have all the rights you need to see such a doctor. Pick a doctor, ask the secretary how much it cost, and see if you can come up with the money, cash, to pay the psychiatrist. And ask the secretary if that's OK that you do that. You might getg to see the doctor only once, but you might can get some good information, such as, we do have some medicines which might help you. Again, look up on the net for "heightened sex drive" or "overactive sex drive" or "sex addiction" which it's probably not, but maybe you can get some good websites to come up. See if there's a medicine or treatment that might be recommended. That's the same thing as going to a doctor, you're just looking for information to start with. It's a free doctor's visit. If you see a treatment or medicine that might work, save up some money and make your own appt. to a psychiatrist. Look up that kind of doctor in the computer yellow pages for your city, pick one from the list, and call them. It might take some creative, positive thinking to do this, but it's what I think may work.

My mind is obsessed with sex

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Here is what I just read on net: (below from Treatments Seroetoninergic (SSRI) medications that are often used to treat depressive and anxiety disorders and mood stabilizers that are used to treat bipolar disorder have been found to decrease the compulsive urges associated with sexual addictions for some sufferers. Examples of SSRIs include fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil), sertraline (Zoloft), citalopram (Celexa), fluvoxamine (Luvox), and escitalopramWhat are causes and risk factors for sexual addiction? No one factor is thought to cause sexual addiction, but there are thought to be biological, psychological, and social factors that contribute to the development of these disorders. For example, the intoxication associated with sexual addiction is thought to be the result of changes in certain areas and chemicals in the brain that are elicited by the compulsion. Research differs somewhat in terms of gender-based patterns of sexual addiction. For example, some studies describe males who are introverted and highly educated as more inclined to develop an Internet addiction, including sexual Internet addiction. Other studies indicate that middle-aged women using home computers were more at risk for Internet sexual addiction. Psychological risk factors for sexual addiction are thought to include depression, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive tendencies. The presence of a learning disability increases the risk of developing a sex addiction as well. As people with a history of suffering from any addiction are at risk for developing another addiction, being dependent on something else makes it more likely for sexual addiction to occur. Sufferers of these disorders tend to be socially isolated and have personality traits like insecurity, impulsivity, compulsive behaviors, trouble with relationship stability and intimacy, low ability to tolerate frustration, and a tendency to have trouble coping with emotions. People who are sexually abused are at somewhat higher risk of developing a sexual addiction. What are sexual addiction symptoms and signs? While the DSM has yet to describe specific diagnostic criteria for nonparaphilic sex addictions, some researchers have suggested symptoms and signs that are similar to other addictions for both paraphilic and nonparaphilic sex addictions. Specifically, sex addicts have been described as suffering from a negative pattern of sexual behavior that leads to significant problems or distress that may include the following: A need for more amount or intensity of behavior to achieve the desired effect (tolerance) • Physical or psychological feelings of withdrawal when unable to engage in the addictive behavior • The person making plans for, engaging in, or recovering from the behavior more or longer than planned • Desire or unsuccessful attempts to decrease or stop the behavior • Neglecting important social, work, or school activities because of the behavior • Continuing the behavior despite suffering physical or psychological problems because of or worsened by the sexual behavior. Continue Reading Medically Reviewed by a Doctor on 11/9/2015 (Lexapro).

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