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Should I transfer colleges?

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I flunked out of a community college (its because I was stressed, bad professors, and I wasn't ready for college period). I've been going to college on and off since the fall of 2013. I rather not go back to the community college I went to. they're so unorganized, they messed my transcript with classes I dropped but they said that i didn't dropped it so i received a grade of an F instead of W. the nearest community college is an hour away from my house. I do not have reliable transportation (I have a car but it breaks down a lot). there is no city bus to take me there since it's so far away. and I do not have the money to move near the college and i do not know anyone that lives near there. should I take out an auto loan? so I can get a car to drive a hour away for college. what would you do if you were in my shoes? please explain why. any advice or tips are welcomed thanks.

Should I transfer colleges?

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I have trouble with transportation, also. Is there anyway you can get together with a carpool of people going from your town to the new community college? Call "Student Services" or something like that at your new school, and ask if they have a net bullitan board where students from your town can sign up for a car pool and each week will be someone's turn to drive the car pool to the college and back. On the week that it is your turn to drive, pay an agreed amount to the car pool instead of you having to drive. It's good that you have determination.

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