Should I phone him or just leave it?

BROKENGIRL - Jan 15 2011 at 17:10
I am suffering from terrible depression, due to a guy I met on a dating site just dropping me suddenly like a brick! He wined and dined me for 2 months, invested a lot of time, he made it clear he was looking for a relationship and he had a good feeling about us. So did I...It's not often I am bothered when a date 'dumps' me, but I knew from the minute I met him this guy would be in my life for a long time. All the same interests, common ground and many laughs. Plus nothing sexual till a month into the dating. I was starting to think he didn't believe in sex before marriage (obv till it happened and was the best night ever)...Basically we were good mates. He was the type of guy that stayed mates with girls when he no longer wanted to see them. I am a good looking bubbly gal, who has lot to give, but very easygoing too.
He went on holiday at new year and when he came back was 'quiet', I got a bad vibe, though during the hol he texted me and even made sure I was first to know about his plane delays etc. it was a boys holiday, but he is no player. So I phoned him and we had a heart to heart and assured me that all was OK. I even put the words in his mouth nearly 'if you don't want to see me any more just say, it's ok'. But he laughed and said don't be silly, and called me by my nickname he gave me. Since then I had a few texts, then suddenly last weekend they stopped...And it's hurting me more the ignorance...We are still friends on facebook...I have even text him to say I never expected this of him and was disappointed, are we not even friends?. To no reply. I fell for him totally, he swept me off my feet. I wish I had never met him now as my self worth is low. Shall I phone him, even if he doesn't want to see me again, just need him to tell me. PS, he has his own business and is busy, he even told me that he isn't blanking me if he is slow in getting back to me (before the silent treatment started).
When we met through the site I told him at my despair of players and men in general, and he said 'men just don't appreciate what they have got'. Why can't he take his own advice, he is well brought up. what have I done?
he has definatly got a girlfriend.i think he as been with for a long long time
From:Kevin Johnson
Of Lynn Johnson Radio Show,
Phone number 1-404-806-7137
E-Mail Address:
[e-mail address removed]
I'm e-mailing cause we would like to do a phone interview for our
Talk Radio Show called The Lynn Johnson Radio Show?
I am the VP of Public Relations for "The Lynn Johnson
Radio Show" which is an internationally
syndicated Radio Show featuring Coach Lynn Johnson.
"Coach Lynn" is one of the most foremost
Motivational Life/Executive Coaches in
the United States. Her clientele has been
comprised of professional athletes, entertainers,
political figures, etc. Her Motivational Radio Show
airs all over the United States as well as other countries.
Please feel free to listen to one of her shows
or learn more about Coach Lynn at:
Our audio engineer at the Radio Station can call you in for a brief 6
minutes telephone interview on a Tuesday at the times of 11:15 am
& 11:30 Est, am at a telephone number you can provide for us to call.
The interview will cover you dealing with your relationshio and Coach Lynn will also give
you some tips to help you as well as our many
listeners dealing with the same thing.
Feel free to call us directly at 404-806-7137.
Thanks again
for your time, as we look forward to having you
on the show. Have a magnificent day!
Kevin Johnson
VP of Public Relations,
"The Lynn Johnson Radio Show"
I don't think you should contact him until he has contacted you first, but even if he does call back, you don't know his true motives. If he was interested in you in the way that he has indicated, he would make time to contact you. I don't know what issues he's having, but he should not have treated you the way he did.
pretty much same thing happened to me! Except my guy was married and i knew it. I couldn\'t resist his charms.i had been grieving 2 family members (not trying to make excuses for myself - just for you to understand why my confidence was so low that i got involved with this man). He had spent 6 months telling me how special i was, how perfect i was, how i was the most beautiful woman he ever met..he complimented me every chance he got and even though i knew he was married and that people would get hurt i\'m not a robot so ended up falling for him hook line and sinker. A month after we got together i could see a change in him..he wasn\'t calling of darling etc anymore. Even though i would have him back in an instant (how sad am i) i wish now that never met him. Its been more than 2 months since he called to me..when he was leaving he said \"I\'ll phone you tomorrow\" but alas no phone call. i phoned him once since but he never answered and never rang back. he\'s left me dangling.. He didn\'t even have the backbone to tell me it was over..every day for the last 65 days I\'ve been waiting for that phonecall. deep down i know he won\'t phone but i am just living in hope. I know I\'m better off if he doesn\'t ring but its so hard to accept it over when we didn\'t have the conversation. I hope my story helps you..don\'t be a fool like me crying myself to sleep for someone who probably 4got me 60 days ago and wouldn\'t dream of shedding a tear for me. i also hope that any woman who has been cheated on gets some consolation from this..they always go back to the ones they love.