I got dumped for nothing

CAN'TTRUSTORLOVE - Jan 20 2011 at 18:25
Well my boyfriend now ex boyfriend heard from his mate that i was sayin stuff to him about my boyfriend but i didnt said what he said annnd he dumpd me for no reason and i want to get him back but he dont know what he feels now about it :( and im depressed and i jus cba with life anymore :(
First of all, if the guy can just break up with you without giving you the benefit of the doubt, then either he wanted to get out of the relationship or for some reason, he decided that breaking up would be better than trying to work things out. I am not sure if getting back in a relationship with him would be a good thing, since he could decide to do something like this again. You could try to contact him about it somehow, but since he was the one who broke up with you, he would probably contact you if he had a change of heart.
I had this happen once I was devestated my boyfriend could think so little of me in the first place to think I'd spread false gossip about him when all id done is try to love support and build him up.i confronted him for his poor excuse for dumping me. Gave him somthing to worry about put a public status up on Facebook defending my names d declaring my innocence vindicating myself from any futher accusations he wasnt happy about it but at least it gave me my self respect back and ckearedmy name I even got lots of likes and support too when he questioned why I'd done that I simply remarked that if it was ok for him to put it about we finished because I was a bad mouther .then defending myself before I got any comeback. Defending and clearing my and was the only option I had that itnolonger mattered that he hated me or not for that since he can't have thought that much about métis tart with for not believing in me or giving me a fair hearing we since made up when he saw the amount of support and good feed back I it from the good true friends ideally had thatl weaned loved me and I didn't make it easy for him toget me a neither I went away with some friends and kept busy let him know what've was missing
sup with your stuff don't worry about the bitch.