Advice please
ATALOSSSOMETIMES - Mar 27 2016 at 04:27
To keep it anonymous, I will call my husband James. My husband and I went to a friends house. I was inside talking to some people. He was outside woth our friends (a couple) and a single woman that I will call Lilly. Lilly had a bottle of jack Daniels. When someone asked whose jack that was she said it is Lillys jack . My husband took the bottle from her and said it is Lilly and James jack, we are sharing. Everyone started talking about fishing and Lilly is an avid fisher. She was talking about the right way to fish and my husband said it doesn't matter how you hold the rod, it only matters how deep the worm goes. And then he and the others laughed. Is this appropriate behavior in anyone's eyes? If so please explain. Oh yeah, it was the first time we met this woman and we had been there about 45 minutes
This happened after I came outside, right in front of me. Just so everyone knows.
Hello atalosssoetimes,
IMO, this situation and conversation is perfectly normal. Your husband just wanted a drink and engaged in small talk with this woman. There was nothing to alarm me in your text - but what does give me cause for concern is how much this seems to have affected you.
Do you have any other problems in the marriage?
I disagree .I believe he was flirting .Making a sexual innuendo joke was inappropriate. Claiming her Jack DAniels as their Jack Daniels was rude.
However you know your husband is he the jokester in the group? do you feel that he would have said the same think if you both were outside?
I beleive you should always go with your gut feelings.
For now file in the memory bank.
I think it's just normal. We sometimes joke when we are with friends. And new one are the always subject to make fun of to help them feel comforable. It just happened maybe that your husband is more good at it.
But women have instinct. It could be as most men joke around to who ever they have attraction to. But I guess is just up to there. Not unless you husband is a womanizer or got issues about third party before then you must be cautious.
Just dont jump into conclusion. We all know how a man works when he is trying to play some game. So just observe. It could be that he's just being the joker in the group for that night. And nothing else.:)