Never ending job battles
AMBIE522 - Mar 29 2016 at 23:46
In the past 2 1/2 years I've had 3 jobs...I left one because of my boss being so jealous I was pregnant that she caused me to have some complications with her extreme demands, left the other due to the discovery of cyber bullying against me(yes this exists even with adults) and now my current job I'm considering leaving due to my heroin addicted coworker. This job from day one was the best job I've ever had, amazing boss and coworkers and I've been so happy...until my boss hired back a former employee who was fired for shooting up at work. Since she's been back she's gotten high in our work bathroom several times, all when my boss is out of the office. My boss says he can't afford to fire her because he needs her here too much and has no one to replace her. I'm about to transfer to our new office and she will be the other employee alongside me. I'm terrified, and considering beginning yet another job hunt. But, 3 jobs in 2 1/2 years...won't that look terrible to employers, friends and family? Throwing away an amazing workplace and growth opportunity because of her? I'm at a loss and needing any advice whatsoever!!
Everybody can be replaced. What exactly terrifies you? Do you have a Human Resources Department? How much interaction do you have with her?
We do not have an HR, we are an independent office. What terrifies me is when she gets high there are 6 other people in the office that can help the situation, whereas when we go to the new office it will ONLY be her and I, leaving me to handle it. I don't know how to really handle those things, and unless she od's we are not supposed to call the police.
I think this is one of those situations where something will have to happen before you can act upon it. Either you'll have to look for another job and deal with a different situation (every job has pros and cons) or call the police if her drug use endangers you.
I've never heard of a company condoning drug use at the work place. Can someone else transfer to the new office? Exactly what is her position. What is it you have to handle?
I would report this to the police anonymously because she not only is making making your work environment an unsafe one but the public as well...
Do you notice her behavior and demeanor change if so how?
If I want to give up my promotion then yes I could avoid goin there, but I don't feel I should have to give up my opportunity because of her. She becomes very out of it, talking to walls, spinning in circles until she falls over, blood in the bathroom from shooting up, she threw paper towels and soap all over the sink and left water on which caused a sink overlow, ...once she even rode a broom around the office. She's a sales rep and to replace her takes several months of training and while we've been interviewing there's still the fact we need her until someone else is fully trained.
I agree you should not give up your job opportunity. She was fired for drug use at work and yet she's brought back. I would keep a personal diary of her behavior. Since you don't know what other issues she may have- I would not sit on the toilet, I would wear gloves,(the blood is a problem) With all of her heron related issues You should not feel she's your responsibility (she's not!).
Ride it out. What product are you selling?
We've all spoken up regarding it, my boss feels he's in a tough spot because no one is able to replace her. It's an insurance office. I truly don't know what to do because if I choose not to go I'm giving up my opportunity, but exactly I'm putting myself at risk. Everyone at work is scared for me and doesn't know what else to do either. I'm at a complete loss, because for once I have a great otherwise work environment and if I leave I take a huge risk. I appreciate so much everyone's feedback on this, because I just don't know what to do.
I'm in disbelief that your boss re-hires a known drug user because he feel this drug user can't be replaced? Make sure you have a understanding with our Boss that if this person becomes unpredictable and causes you concern/fear that you will contact the police (period).
People who use heron for a long period time can become delusional and unpredictable.
Office Rule:Don't call police unless she OD? Really, He should contact an Employment Agency that can provide applicants with experience as hers (rather than bring on a entry level employee. Is it that she has experience that no one else has?
She would have a very narrow window- how can you tell if she has OD or passed out- both situations look the same. The first time she passes out- CALl The POLICE...
You are entitled to a safe work environment...
Now she's stealing money...God how does this girl still have a job?!?! Hoping she's gone very very soon