Is my marriage over?

MUMMYJAJA - Apr 1 2016 at 23:05
I met my current husband back in 2000,we got one child together,I had 4 children from my marriage before,one of my children is a girl,a week today I found out that my husband used to send her emails when she was 15 or 16 ,telling her he has feelings for her and other stuff,it has been 9 years before I was told by my daughter, my whole world is coming crushing down,I don't know what to do my husband won't talk it over with me,my trust is gone,I have no one to talk to,I feel sick of the thought of my husband lusting all this time after my daughter,can anyone can give me some advise please
Im sorry to here that, I came home from work 2 days ago with a half empty house and my wife had left
I am so sorry to hear that,I hope you are okay,its a nightmare I know,I thought my husband was the one I can trust ,but unfortunately he betrayed me ,I am still with him but I don't know if I can stay with him after all this
Hello Mummyjaja,
Out of curiosity, what is yours and your husbands age? And how old was he when he was sending these messages to your daughter?
I think it is pertinent to establish whether he generally has a thing for younger women. Although even if he does, men listing over 15/16year olds is both morally wrong and could be illegal (if it was take too far).
Was he aware you were her mother when you started dating?
You married a child molester who molested your daughter in your own home. What could be worse? This would sicken anybody. What a brave daughter you have to finally confide in you and to be believed. Of course he won't discuss his despicable deviant behavior.You must take action:Make a plan.
1)Your daughter should document in writing what happened her.2)Contact A Legal Attorney to get divorce proceedings started, ask for an order of protection to have him vacate your home immediately. 3) If you have joint checking/savings account open up your own separate accounts 4)Change the locks to our home. 4) Protect any valuable that can easily be taken 5)Report him to child protective services and to the police-
Please do not let him know what your doing.Child molester's don't change-you must do everything within your power to help protect his next victim. If the courts allow him visitation with the child with him- demand supervised only.
Be safe and aware never meet with him alone-