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Girlfriends friends

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So I have been with this amazing woman almost a year an a half, we dated 3 months before we moved in together everything is going great and still is but she has these friends who are suppose to be like sisters to her who make her feel bad cause she don't spend time with them the way she use to. When we started dating her friends were single and we always invited them with us so they wouldn't be alone but now they have men they always complain about my gf not giving them time alone with out me. There bf work different hours from them so when there free its because there guys are at work and me and my gf work the same hours so we are usually always together. oh and by the way she has two kids that we also take care of and love to spend time with when we get out of work. Its been difficult for me to watch her friends post stuff on fb without her tagging each other saying stuff as if there having a grand ol time. I know there doing it on purpose to hurt her feeling but she says no there not but I can see it on her face... Then her friends say I'm keeping her away from them and I'm really not I always tell her to go but she says now they make her feel funny and uncomfortable but she still loves them and I wouldn't try and change that. I'm happy that both of her friends have someone in there life now who make them complete but also wonder why they cant be happy for us... Just want a females perspective on this guys to if your in the same situation thanks

Girlfriends friends

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I've tried to have BBQ"s at a local park so all of our children can play or going to the lake but always one of the couples makes an excuse not to go. I have asked my gf why do your friends only want to hang out alone with you and they never mention us or the children its like there never happy IDK...Sometimes they'll come by and have drinks with my gf but after they leave they tell her its not the same having girl time with me there even when I'm out the way in the room away from them... I know they don't like me now but IDK why they liked me before but it bothers me a lot

Girlfriends friends

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I feel they both dislike me evenly, just by there Ora when there around us and I figured because I took there friend away from them because my gf was there for them when ever they needs like literally jump at there beck and call and now she's occupied with me and the children and yes the couple have children to. I'm a good person and want to confront them and tel them why are y'all acting like this why can't you be happy for your friend but my gf doesn't want me to

Girlfriends friends

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She has asked me if she can have a girls day out and I honestly don't mind, but it never happens. If my gf friends ask her to go to a club or bar she rather the guys go to but my gf has gone out to dinner and had drinks or gone to get there nails done together, I just don't know how much more her friends want. The bf's of the girls are pretty cool and I don't mind hanging with them and we have . My gf knows how I feel but she doesn't want me to confront them and talk to them because they will get offended IDK. I kinda want to text both of them and tell them how I feel but I don't want to out of respect for my woman. :(

Girlfriends friends

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Appreciate the advise thanks have a blessed day

Girlfriends friends

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bear, you should let your gf see thing for what they are.. there is no point trying to point out the obvious to her, you said what you had to say, sometimes some people cannot just be happy for others. maybe they are jealous of your relationship, or maybe they just like to cause trouble. but true, genuine friends should be happy for others and not try to hurt them. trust me, there will come a time when things will sort themselves out. you stay strong and look after the woman you love.

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