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What is this World coming to ?????

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Why is it so hard for people to stay faithful, honest, and responsible for there actions ? As I sit at my desk reading this threads about people describing how much love they have for there significant other, but there out there lusting and being unfaithful behind there loved ones back just boggles my mind. No one takes relationships serious now and days its all about what you look like or how many likes you can get on social media and how much iron you can bench or squat, flexing taking selfies of alcohol beverages or blunts partying it up.. instead of taking selfies of your family and your kids accomplishments... Just venting sorry... have a blessed day :)

What is this World coming to ?????

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To be frank, the issues have always been's just easier these days to try and get away with it. The internet has opened it right up and fast tracked everyone's lives where there's instant(and sometimes antisocial)communication with total strangers which is both good and bad depending on the circumstances. Nothing is more frustrating than trying to talk to someone when their face and fingers are glued to their phone. There's a generation out there who think it's all OK for their phone to ring even at a family funeral because it's how they communicate and it's a ever forgiving medium because there's always a stranger out there who will back them up and give them a 'like' even when they have done the blatantly wrong thing. Nothing has changed when it comes to good, sound advice, only the way it's done, because the advice would have been the same 200 years ago. The difference is, as you state, is that people do not take responsibility for their actions and blame others for they issues rather than looking in the mirror. They do not realize that every action has a reaction and when you intentionally hurt and betray someone, whether it be in a relationship, the workplace or just in the street, you can expect a reaction to it. As they say, it all starts at home but I guess some people don't get that head start in life, where as other people who do, just do the right thing always....and importantly teach their kids about life's lessons from a very young age.

What is this World coming to ?????

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"Why is it so hard for people to stay faithful, honest, and responsible for there actions ?" I know...! "As I sit at my desk reading this threads about people describing how much love they have for there significant other, but there out there lusting and being unfaithful behind there loved ones back just boggles my mind." I KNOW...! "No one takes relationships serious now and days its all about what you look like or how many likes you can get on social media and how much iron you can bench or squat, flexing taking selfies of alcohol beverages or blunts partying it up.. instead of taking selfies of your family and your kids accomplishments... Just venting sorry... have a blessed day Smiling"" I BLOOMIN' KNOWWWWW (I'm with you and Manalone), TELL ME ABOUD ID!!! It's, in part, down to this: "...5 minutes. Did you want fries and a milkshake with that?" Too many people, too much monetary greed (not enough natural 'riches' any more, what with 'pulling up the trees, putting in a parking lot'), too little time to sit and think and work it all out, let's just follow the herd, "BAA-AA-AA-AA-AAAAH!...Me-me-me, now-now-now, free-free-free, BAA-AA-AA-AA-AAAH...." And then in their Autumn years, 'Ohhhhh, SH*T' (because you reap what you sow). Society is getting more and more poorly, which people's behaviour just reflects (as well as then infects/perpetuates). Give it more time (assuming lack of intervention*) and the Western world won't need to worry about ISIS, it'll SELF-destruct (implode). *'The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil* is that good men do nothing.' The thin end of the Evil wedge is called, Selfish Self-Centred-ness. ...But don't get me started or we'll be here all day. Suffice it to say, it's down to over-crowded-ness. You should see what happens to the HAIRY variety of apes when pack-overcrowding, relative to limited resources, occurs. It's not pretty. Anyway, if you feel like that then you've come to the right place! Take a pew (figure of speech) and get stuck in, if you please. :-) PS Manalone: At a FUNERAL? And you've actually witnessed this? OH! MY! GOD! NO ....PIGGING...WAYYYY! What did everyone else do? Wait - don't tell me: "BAA-AA-AA-AAAAAH". Correct?

What is this World coming to ?????

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Actually Soulmate, the offender's uncle leaned over and grabbed the phone out of her hand, took the back of it off and whipped the battery out and handed it back to her in less than 10 seconds AND gave her a murderous enough look to indicate that it would her funeral next if she even thought about complaining about it. This young lady was 21 years old and at uni studying law. You would think that she had enough respect and enough brains to put the stupid thing on silent, let alone be arrogant enough to answer it given the circumstances. Yes you're correct, today's society is driven by greed and selfishness and we're brainwashed to believe that we actually need something new everyday by companies who use advertising and psychology to convince us that yesterday's product is a dinosaur already. We have to have it to keep up with the herd/mob. Western society's moral fabric is becoming gossamer thin everyday and being replaced with self-centred-ness, as you state, and at a crazy pace. Instead of embracing new technology and choosing what's best for us personally, we are being led down the garden path by companies who 'recruit' and corrupt the youngest members of the generation who will be tomorrow's parents and society's leaders. Yep, just what is the world coming to...but then again, my Dad, a strict German Lutheran, used to say the same thing 50 years ago and the world was completely different back then.

What is this World coming to ?????

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true - we're living in a western society (at least I am - in Europe) where the overall tendency is to be very self-centered - if not outright narcissistic - I believe it's the combination of a number of factors - such as overpopulation - especially in the cities where people go to find jobs that don't exist and if they do they're on a just-in-time or JIT production - thus functioning on the precarity principle - you have to be willing to be adaptable - stress resistant - willing to go and work anywhere else at anytime - companies want their cake and eat it too - they ask for people who have it all (high degrees - experience & immediate functioning capacity) - so scarcity - stress and uncertainty are the rule as it is money that rules the world nowadays and that money is ruled by a few super power corporations owned by a handful of the most rich people on earth and everything else tends to get subjected or subdued - they get to lay down the rules (or at least they do what they can to have it so) : it looks like we have - in the 21st century - gone back to the middle age where the "masters" were to rule over the commoners who were to live in grateful servitude a society of fear has been built via corrupted media and false flag attacks : and so the rescuers came running in to "save the world" and bring in "democracy" but it is a representative one where we have given our power away to a few sitting pretty - not a direct one with, for and by the people and with the latest technology coming up - always of course for the good of the people who are so desperate for security - they bit by bit but more and more ostentatiously and outright overtly - bring in technology for control - control is THE trendy word : everything and everybody is to be controlled - even nature & the environment (see chemtrails) where so much has been said over glaciation to come - then global warming - and with all the nuclear particules floating around the earth since Fukushima - the earth is becoming totally corrupted - all life is to be controlled since it has been (often willfully set) out of control even and especially so - have morals and values, ethics and religion been destructured - those very things that hold a society together because they represent boundaries, regulations and law : nowadays everything and all is permitted under the motto of "freedom" : everybody wants to be free but no one has remembered that true freedom comes within the accepted confines of structure because structure is erected on foundations which permit growth in a sustainable way - individually and as a society - instead nowadays everybody wants anyhow and anyway everything now : who cares about tomorrow ? tomorrow is too hazardous - nobody knows - so let's grab it today with such a total mass destructuration on all levels - no wonder it's a mess - with people going into total survival mode - aka "I'm gonna see after myself and you can go f*ck yourself" : but in the eyes of the "new world order" this was wanted and is orchestrated so that global absolute control can come in - over all and anything (one ring to rule them all) people are too "stupid" (endoctrinated) to realize they are willfully walking into their self made corral to me - the only way out is not a collective one (because civil war or any other form of group "insurrection" has already been prepared for) but an individual one : one by one we can decide to live differently, buy and consume (or produce) differently - behave ourselves differently, think differently, express, exchange and share differently - it is one and one that makes two then four and more people who in their little corner just start doing things differently : they just do it that's the change that'll make its mark because you can not change people's mind (though they try to get control over people's brains) and what is shared with the heart - bonds and bonds can not be taken away - they are the threads with which a community is built : go and look for those people - they are there - doing their thing - not making too much noise but getting results :)

What is this World coming to ?????

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Manalone, "This young lady was 21 years old and at uni studying law. You would think that she had enough respect and enough brains to put the stupid thing on silent, let alone be arrogant enough to answer it given the circumstances." Damn right 'you'd think'! It's the 'was about to answer it' bit that really outrages and perplexes, though, isn't it. I remember my own son shouting out and interrupting as I read out a rhyming poem I'd written in honour of my father at his funeral: "'pider-catcher?!", he blurted, loudly and echo-ingly at a line about how adept and no-nonsense he'd been at gently trapping even the biggest, hairiest, 'jumpiest' spiders in his naked hand before throwing them out the window, unharmed (that being the method in his 'madness'). But it was just the chuckle cherry on the comedy cake, given how he was only 2 years old at the time (not twenty-bloody-one!). I mean, if you think about it - had you described that scene of yours without having mentioned her age, any reader would have come away CONVINCED she had to have been a child under 10! Seems to me the most commonly used phrase these days is, 'WTF?!'. Thank goodness for your uncle, though - give the guy a huge pat on the back from me when you next see him! But that's your particular family, isn't it, and you've been on here, showing social-moral responsibility for absolutely ages so - "nuff said" on that score (and that young 'lady' must have been adopted ;-p). "today's society is driven by greed and selfishness and we're brainwashed to believe that we actually need something new everyday by companies who use advertising and psychology to convince us that yesterday's product is a dinosaur already. We have to have it to keep up with the herd/mob. Western society's moral fabric is becoming gossamer thin everyday and being replaced with self-centred-ness, as you state, and at a crazy pace. Instead of embracing new technology and choosing what's best for us personally, we are being led down the garden path by companies who 'recruit' and corrupt the youngest members of the generation who will be tomorrow's parents and society's leaders." Corporate marketeers even put use-by dates on [wait for it]...VINEGAR! Who DO they think they're trying to kid! (I suppose if we want to extend the life of our vinegar we should maybe try preserving it in, er, ...vinegar?) PS: Do remember to always wear a good squirt of Lynx or whatever unless you want to find yourself a life- and girlfriend-less social pariah, won't you [rolls eyes]. "Yep, just what is the world coming to...but then again, my Dad, a strict German Lutheran, used to say the same thing 50 years ago and the world was completely different back then." Yes. But it's not Grumpy Old Git syndrome (like they'd like us to believe). It's because it takes every generation hitting the middle-age-plus mark to make them stand back and take stock and see quite clearly that society's standards and practises ARE - STILL - on a perpetually steady decline! Shouldn't they all be saying, 'It wasn't like this in OUR day - WHAT AN IMPROVEMENT!'?. Fat chance. All joking aside, though - I'm worried. VERY. Hence I'm ucking off to Spain. I've READ my Spanish Inquisition and....ISIS versus Spanish Catholics? Hah - "RUN, ISIS, RUN!!!". Last night, Mr S and I took a look at a new series called, Millionaires' Mansions. One London (Belgravia) home-owner, a rich Russian, commissioned a ceiling-to-floor, crystal chandelier costing one-hundred-and-seventy THOUSAND POUNDS! AND THAT WAS JUST ONE LIGHT FITTING so you can imagine the total interior design cost, can't you. Mr S and I just sat there, the entire time, going, '...Dis-GUSTING - think of the good you could do for the world's less fortunate with that amount, and yet, look at him, just WASTING it for the sake of pure self-indulgence!'. It wasn't even his full-time home, just a place for occasional stop-overs! Sickening. And on a par with a certain, recent thread on here wherein, self-indulgent time- and resource-wasting having come to confirmed light, I just could not hold my tongue for one second longer (heh, oopth...naughty chair pour moi). ******************* DoS, "it looks like we have - in the 21st century - gone back to the middle age where the "masters" were to rule over the commoners who were to live in grateful servitude.........a society of fear has been built via corrupted media and false flag attacks : and so the rescuers came running in to "save the world" and bring in "democracy" but it is a representative one where we have given our power away to a few sitting pretty - not a direct one with, for and by the people.........who cares about tomorrow ? tomorrow is too hazardous - nobody knows - so let's grab it today..........people are too "stupid" (endoctrinated) to realize they are willfully walking into their self made corral". That and the bit about nowdays being primed and encouraged toward narcissism? - NUTSHELLED!!! "the only way out individual one : one by one we can decide to live differently,...behave ourselves differently, think differently, express, exchange and share differently - it is one and one that makes two then four and ****more people who in their little corner just start doing things differently : they just do it...they are the threads with which a community is built : go and look for those people - they are there - doing their thing - not making too much noise but getting results Smiling****" That's us lot - on here - isn't it? :-) PS: I *would* say, you missed your vocation, should be in politics, were it not for the fact you'd highly likely too quickly get pushed out again (for being too sensible and healthy/grounded by half!). ****************** Ha-ha...The Grumpy Old Gits thread. (LOOK WHAT YOU STARTED, BEAR0161! :-D)

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