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how to get rid of stress, i am software developer and has to do lot of coding all the time.


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Run everyday and do some sports


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Ditto. And at the same time (not necessarily literally, hur-hur), give your left brain hemisphere a break by handing over to your right: draw, paint, try composing a poem or tune, attempt a cryptic crossword, watch a lot of comedy DVDs, close your eyes and listen to pop music...anything that requires high and unconstrained creativity or letting your mind wander wherever at will. Even breaking off while at work to doodle for 5 minutes or compose limericks here and there would help. Ever tried one? A software developer named REDDY Was suff'ring from a head far too heavy So afore it could floor him He sought out a forum... [...over to you for the 'punchline'?]


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LOL, did I send you to sleep? Well, that's ONE way of easing stress, I guess! :-D

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