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Crush on boyfriends best friend

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I am feeling attracted towards my boyfriends best frd. I First time met him even before our relatn started .He is a very handsome guy a lot similar to my bt but he has green beautiful eyes and i am a very beauty conscious person.I fall for beauty. .Recently i havent met him from many months may be about 8 months or More but i couldnt forget his face.My bf loves me to core and my family deeply wants us to marry.He supports me and my siblings in studies financially as well ( my father is not alive and i have no job right now).I think that there is very lil chance that his best friend will accept my marriage proposal becoz he is very sincere in his frdshp with my bf.However he is a poor but hardworking guy.But i am unable to resist myself.i am unable to forget his face.even i have the fear of losing the diamond like bf as well if i get rejectd from his best frd.what should i do in such a situation? I dun wana lose from both sides .Should i discuss this scenario with my bf face to face or his best friend through facebook (bcoz i hav no othr source fo contact him) .A very mature and detailed reply expected.A lot confused after a serious relationship of two years heading to marriage.

Crush on boyfriends best friend

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My dear,you can't eat your cake and have it at the same is practically impossible.from what u have said u have given yourself the perfect answer and trust me u will lose big they say is in the eye of the beholder and as u v mentioned this guy us everything u want in a man.why then would u not see this beauty in him rather I want to go for something dat clearly would be disastrous in the end.i don't know if u are a religious person but if u are u need to pray for guidance against temptation and stay clear of the other guy..does ur Bf friend flirt with u? And if he is ur bf supossed best friend then I think he wouldn't want to hurt his friend over a woman who can't state and define her feelings clearly.a good man is hard to find.stick with ur man and work at ur feelings.physical beauty only gets u laid and used.look past that and hold on to a guy who has a bright future at hand.God bless u

Crush on boyfriends best friend

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No he neever flirted however always been sweet and soft spoken.I will wait for a couple of months to see if these feelings surpass right now they are uncontrollable, but if they remain same, what is the best way to convey my message? THEN Should i tell my bf about my atraction and he may talk to his frd bcoz he cares a lot abt me and always want me to be happy forever (save for profesional jealousy/competition among men offcourse :p ) .. OR i should directly contact that person on fb and propose him while asking him not to tell abt me contacting u to my bf OR asking about the opinion of that person from a fake acct about the whole scenario while not disclosing my identity ? (The doubt about the second last option is that if that guy told my bf he ll take me as a cheatr and hs chances of accepting me again get nill, am i right? While in first option he may endorse me for being true and revealing my feelings for that guy in the very start) what u say

Crush on boyfriends best friend

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I tried to contact that person thru unknown acct and he was totally against this betrayal plan :-) so back on my sweet hubby and will try to b focused now. Thanks for ur sweet advice as well,ill try to avoid these lil crushes in future and concentrat on my sincere bettwr half !

Crush on boyfriends best friend

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Your situation makes you sound really immature and it seams like you have no respect for your relationship with your current boyfriend. You should just tell him the truth and see if he still wants to be with you because he should have never been your second choice or back up plan. I really don't mean to sound so ugly and I apologize sincerely but it had to be said. Woman complain about there being no good guys or vise versa men complaining about the same thing and its because everyone is looking for muscle, beauty, booty, or whatever else... yes attraction Is important in a relationship but if your already in one and your still looking then maybe your not ready for a relationship and you shouldn't drag around your partner because in the long run he's gonna get hurt... wish you the best of luck AMMS(Amalie)

Crush on boyfriends best friend

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I love him and i respect his love for me.even i fell in love wid his looks plus soul but we both know my weakness that is i look beauty in everything may it be place,tree,person etc.I fall in love wid beauty so easily but i m trying to come over my this weakness.And no i cant tell him abt this bcoz y would i want to lose smbdy who is a perfect man for any gal? I wont like to tell him i did this mistak now wat will u dcide abt my fate? Its not good to tell your hubby ur every mistake. I liked the advice of person who said u shud pray against temptation.Yes i am a religous person and God really helps.

Crush on boyfriends best friend

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Definitely..! I am an idealist and my bf is totally perfect ! Even i admit before that he is not one percent less than what i want, there was no lack in him,just my crush/temptation urges me to find what is far .I want to marry him and he to me.Uptil now i have strong urge to marry him. Fighting against temptations and gettin a bit more mature is an issue.I want to cover the lapse.But he is a gem and he thinks I am the bezt gal in the world.I hope i come up to his expectationsz

Crush on boyfriends best friend

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Is this some kind of soap opera drama fantasy? This guy is supportin you and your siblings and your lookin at messaging his friend behind his back? No you are not ready for marriage. Know why? Because marriage means you can be selfless and put your partners needs before your own, because you love them that much! If you really loved your boyfriend you wouldn't use him for his money and lie to him about trying to cheat on him. The only reason it didn't happen was because this other guy said no! Why tell your boyfriend? Because it is the right thing to do. So he can make a judgment on who he really is marrying, not be duped into marrying a lie. Because you love him enough to know he deserves better! Then to be used and lied to. Wow. I really hope he figures out who you really are before he goes before God and vows his life to you. And I pray either you grow up or you don't have any kids with this guy. You don't treat people like this, just throw them away because someone has pretty eyes? Do you u understand that? Where did you learn to value such materialistic things? The heart is what matters, do you even know what that means, virtue? Integrity?

Crush on boyfriends best friend

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No money is not imp for me.I was earning my own money but he said u should not do job outside infact ill take my responsibility of you. So it was he who said this not me who demanded. Secondly i m willing to return him everything it he wants,but the truth is : he wont ever take , because he knows me and my intentions very well. Money is the least imp thing in my life though beauty is my weakness and i admit that.

Crush on boyfriends best friend

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I just forgot that stupid crush.But bad thing happened.He read my msg to a fm radio channel where i asked them the same question which i asked in this forum.My bf kept quiet first-he didnt show me he read-then we were watchhjng movi and he was touching my body hard (boobs and waist) while watching movi... I sd i love u i m always with u ... He sd i wish.. I sd y u seem tense today? He said no but when i persuaded he show me my cell fone and said can u gv me an explanation for this? His eyes were red with pain, he stood up and said we r not watchinh movi then we went towards parking , sat in car,and when i said i love you and you only, he started kissing me wid full force,said i ll make a sign on your boob, then he sucked them bite my breast,and then for the first time in life he asked me to suck his penis i dint want to but he made me do by force then sucked my pussy forcefully , we have never done sex but he tried to put his finger in my pussy that day , i dont know what does all this mean? Whats is ur perception about it? I asked him not to tell his frd but i am afraid if he told his frd and he then told him about those fb messages, what will happen ? Will he remain with me? Its one day since all this happnd but when i txtd and called to chek whether he reached his home town safely He dint txt or accept my call, he changed his fb relationship status to single last night . My frds say he has written this on purpose to make u worry..i read on a website that leave him alone for 30 days to help him grow cold and take cool decisions,running after never helps..thats why i am totally silent from every mode of contact and offline on fb now.

Crush on boyfriends best friend

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I am amms, the above post with alias "mee" was mine, by mistake wrote long alias

Crush on boyfriends best friend

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He has forgiven me for that one message which i had sent to an fm chanel askinh them about their opinion. BUT i am really worried that he doesnt talk to his frd about this and he doesnt tell him about those messages/indirect proposal,actually i didnt proposed rather asked that if such situation happend what would be his reaction? So i am so afraid now,God save me please. I am totally over that crush and i love my bf whole heartedly and i never ever cheated him before in our two year relation -please i need one chance :( Goddd :-(

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