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Issues with my parents

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I am 22 yrs old and I recently got into a pretty serious relationship (6months). My folks are super old school, and can't bare when I ask to stay the night at my bfs house or suggest that he stays at my house (which I still live with my parents). I feel so limited to the things I can do there, I feel like I can't grow up. His family is much different than mine, and they're really welcoming and kind. He suggested I move in with him, and I really want to. Any feed back will really help. Thank you.

Issues with my parents

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It's there home there rules. Of course there are limitations to what you can do in your parents home. Why are you still living at home and not out on your own? What's stopping you?

Issues with my parents

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Hey there, What's your nationality? I ask because in certain cultures families tend to be conservative. I'm younger than you but I do understand because I come from a culture that does this. Anyway, I would just say be respectful of those boundaries with your parents and don't lash out at them because you know they do come from a good place but maybe you don't see that way because you're eager to be with your bf. I would say maybe give moving in with your bf some thought and get your finances in order so that way you would be able to support yourself if it doesn't work out with you two. Also there's benefits to living with your parents. You can save your money and you have free food be appreciative.

Issues with my parents

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If you want more freedom move out. I would not move in with your boyfriends family though. While the grass may seem greener on the other side, if things get sour between the two of you it will be way more complicated to end it. Save up your money (I assume you have a job?) and get an apartment. Either that or be appreciative you don't have to worry about having the money for rent, food, insurance, cable, Internet, gas, electricity, water..... You know all the responsibilities you would have to take one if you moved out. Then maybe bearing those strict rules doesn't seem so bad? Save your money, get your own apartment, and you can make your own rules.

Issues with my parents

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Correction "It's their home, their rules" At 22 are you still in school? Are you working? Can you support yourself with a roommate (female) Agree if you move out you need to be on your own. When you say your BF wants you to move in with him, does that mean he has his own apartment?

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