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Is ‘cheating’ a good idea to save our marriage?

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I'm a newly married man and I love my wife very dearly, but we have a big problem coming to bed. She has less sexual appetite (desire), she’s always ‘not ready’ (dry) for sex which makes it harder for both of us to enjoy. So, most of the time we use lubricants which seems to be our only option as for now. Also this has been a long term problem since we met 4 years before getting married this year. Some time back, she would become ready the first time we meet after missing each other for a long time, but after that she loses the appetite and when we force it anyway, she feels pain. So, sometimes I feel like cheating on her just to satisfy my sexual desire, nothing more, and I thought that would be the best way of saving my marriage. I would like to know if this (problem) is normal. I need your help!!! I’ll highly appreciate your help.

Is ‘cheating’ a good idea to save our marriage?

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I just arrived in this blog and my apology if you had answered the same problem in here.

Is ‘cheating’ a good idea to save our marriage?

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Ask yourself how you can state that you love your wife dearly but you are thinking of betraying her and your marriage vows because your intimate life together is unsatisfactory, especially after you have known about this issue for 4 years. Support and encourage your wife and get her to a doctor, that way you will both know the what/how/why of the issue. The issue is not rare and Google hits it 27 million times in a nano second. If you think cheating is the way to go, then you need to 'man up' and understand that it may save you personally, but it'll wreck your marriage and your wife, and you basically would be heading into an unhealthy and a disrespectful situation where there's no winners. In a nutshell, you either love your wife dearly or you don't and you're either married or you're not. There's IS no grey areas.

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