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How can I do it?

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im about 50 lbs overweight and 17 yrs old. kids make fun of me at school and im sick of having to look at myself with all my fat. i spend most of my time in my room, sad and alone. can somebody please help me and tell me how to shed off some weight?

How can I do it?

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you should be happy with how you look .you could try to excercise with some friends or balance your food a bit.but i think you shouldnt care what ppl think,people are never satisfied anyway

How can I do it?

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I feel your really in a sad place right now, it sounds as though you are very lonely. I understand it must really hurt you when kids make fun of you, and i'm wondering if you have any freinds that can support you? It may be worth seeing a doctor to see if you can have some emotional support, because it feels that even though you are overweight, you have deep emotional problems, you may even benefit from some Counselling and by doing this you can work through your issues with your weight.

How can I do it?

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Sounds like you might have gotten yourself into a viscious circle. Are you comfort eating to try and make yourself feel better? You need to get out of your room, even if it is for a half hour walk every day. If you are enbarrassed about going out on the street, then go when it is starting to get dark so you are less conscious about being seen. Find someone else who wants to lose some weight - attend a group and maybe meet someone from your neighbourhood who is in the same situation.

How can I do it?

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i dont really have anyfriends to talk to and i am emmbarassed to talk about it to my parents or anyone else

How can I do it?

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It isn't rocket science, it's common sense. Don't eat so much that you have to exercise to maintain your weight. Just eat less. A lot less. No eating between meals. If you don't have an active life, could you skip one meal a day? Consider going for brisk walks or swimming. An hour 3-4 times a week would be a good start. You will feel a lot better about yourself.

How can I do it?

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first of all you must realize that there are so many people in this situation and many people in worse situation,the easiest way is to give up, it can take months or years to make your body how you want it to be,you must start from zero and as i believe you are brave im sure you can,cause so many people had already done it.the best ways are yoga,dancing and psychology cause thats not only physical problem, you know.

How can I do it?

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Losing weight doesn't have to be hard. I lost 30 pounds without ever having to feel hungry just by changing WHAT I eat. Weight loss is all about appetite control. The way you control appetite is to have a healthy diet that includes lots of non-starchy vegetables and avoids foods with a high glycemic index (sugar, tropical fruits, and starchy foods like grains and potatoes.) Here's what happens when you eat food with a high glycemic index. It is quickly metabolized into glucose, causing your blood sugar to spike. Your body can't use it all, so it stores the excess as fat. And then you're hungry again soon. It's like what happens when you burn a newspaper -- it burns fiercely for a few moments, and then the fire's gone. Fats, protein, and carbs with a low glycemic index, on the other hand, are metabolized more slowly, providing a longer lasting, more measured source of energy that doesn't make your blood sugar spike. These are more like the log in your fireplace -- it burns more slowly, but it continues burning for a long time. There are quite a few popular books you can read on this subject. One I especially like is called "The Glycemic Load Diet".

How can I do it?

Default profile image I spent a great deal of my life being turns out,a diabetic diet was the answer for me..u can eat whatever u want as long as u stay within these simple guidelines.....3 meals a day,60 carbs a piece and 2 snacks at 30grams a piece..u dont count calories or fat or anything else..the secret is..carbs are sugar..ur body reads carbs and sugar the same.on this diet, i ate 2 breakfast sandwiches with a meat, eggs, and half or whole slice of cheese on each sandwich,2 sandwiches and a small helping of chips for lunch,and basically whatever for dinner..keep in mind, as far as snacks, u can eat like 45 pretzel sticks(not logs),or a whole cup of sugar cereal or a whole cup of icecream as snacks..if ur into veggies u can even eat more but im not really a veggie person..the point is..u never feel deprived so its easier to stick to..i hope this helps..i went from a 22 to an 11 on this.i swear it works.i am 34 and never looked better,even in high school

How can I do it?

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im sorry..i forgot to mention,i didnt do any extra exsercise.ur regular daily activities should be sufficient if ur counting carbs...i just loathe excercise,no offense to those who have gotten on the physical fitness wagon though..good for u..its just not for me i have tried...i do however believe if i had adopted a fitness schedule my results may have been faster but not so much faster that i would actually do it

How can I do it?

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Kids can be cruel sometimes, but don't be hard on yourself. You are the only you there is, and you should celebrate that fact and not let others opinions reflect your worth. If you are going to start a diet, get a check up first; and start easy--make small but changes at first (like cut out butter). and if you start exercise program, do something you like--you'll stick with it. Music motivates me--get your ipod and walk. But more importantly never forget to love yourself--that is the only way you can truely love others.

How can I do it?

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I was bullied too so I know how you feel! If you want to lose some weight try eating more healthy foods than fatty foods. Don't cut them out though, eventually you'll have no urges for fastfatty foods. Also excercise as much as you can. Like walking and riding a bike. Then after you get healthy-er you can jog, lift weights and stuff like that :) Hope it helped.

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