A broken relationship

JUSTANOTHERGIRL15 - Jun 27 2016 at 20:27
I am 15 years old. In the beginning of my freshman year, I met this guy, lets call him N. He is 17 now, and he is going into his senior year and I am going into my sophmore. We have been together for 9 months now, and he is someone that has changed my life in some of the craziest ways.
He is the only guy I've ever met that I am completely myself around. I can truly say that I love him, and he loves me, as he says. He lies a lot, he keeps a lot of secrets, and he isn't the most loyal guy around. I always give him second chances, always forgiving him, but I'm getting to the point where I'm fed up. He was gone for a week and he was talking another girl. I decided to take this time to meet new people and got in touch with some old guy friends who I really clicked with. They have all told me the same thing, that I should leave him and find someone better, someone who'll treat me like I should be treated.
Of coarse, N told me that he was sorry for being unfaithful, that it won't happen again, that he really cant lose me and wants a forever future with me. I'm stuck between what to do. Yes I do love him, even though he has hurt me so many times, but have I reached the point where I should just give up and find someone new? N is the only guy whos ever treated me so special, even though he has cheated. Please help this broken relationship...
Let me start off by saying that relationships can be confusing.
But this is even more true when you are still trying to figure them out. You are so very young still. It may not seem that way to you. I remember what it was like to be 15, so please believe me. I am most certainly not trying to make you feel like a child. I am 30 now. And I have been with the same person since I was 16 years old. I haven't forgotten the feeling.
No matter who you are, no one deserves to be lied to or cheated on. You DO deserve much better. Move on from this guy and bring all the good changes you have had, with you. Leave all the garbage. You will meet soooooo many other great guys. Ones that will treat you right as long as that is what you demand. If not, dump the garbage. Personalities like his do NOT change. He will keep telling you what you want to hear so he can control you and do as he pleases. TRUST ME. I am a man, and I know our kind. Plus, I have been in a relationship where the other keeps talking about change. It never REALLY happens.
Make the obvious choice and move on. Enjoy your life. Don't feel obligated to the first guy that makes you feel alive. Because you actually have so much more life to live.
One more piece of advice. Don't EVER marry/stay with someone you meet before you turn 21. Don't EVER marry someone before you turn 25. PLEASE take my first hand advice. Most of those relationships don't work or end or are horrible to live with because of the simple fact that you are still growing and figuring out who YOU are as an individual and WHAT you want from life and in a partner. Have an adventure and find yourself before you commit your life to ONE thing. If you do, then have kids too soon, you will be STUCK FOREVER. Then there is no escape.
I forgot to add. It may seem really hard to let him go if you have the feels for this guy pretty bad. But please trust me again. It won't take long to get over that and have even BETTER feels in the future. Heed my word about the age rule. PLEASE. It is the best advice I can give you. Please let us know what you decide.
Hey, don't feel bad for wondering what to do. However, this is going to be blunt but truthful. The way he treats you is how he feels about you. People don't accidentally stray. They do it on purpose, and let's be real, he is an older boy in HIGH SCHOOL. One thing I learned after graduating is how temporary people are in life as well. Do NOT believe his sweet nothing lies he tells you, believe his actions. Actions speak louder than words. I would definitely stay away from him. It will take time to move on, but one day you'll have someone loyal and will make you feel 100x happier than before! True love awaits, give it a chance.
Hello I have a problem my girlfriend has been cheating on me for a long time and I have caught her all the times when she Ws cheating now I have broken up with her but I don't know if I did the right thing m so angry I feel like killing myself or kill her I need help.