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Not sure whether or not to move because of my teenager

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My husband and I separated about 10 months ago after 10 years together and have been trying to work things out. The big problem is, is that he moved back to his home town about 5 hours away and now wants my teenage son and I to move over there. My son is going to be a junior in high school this next year and is very much into his friends as most teenagers are. My question is do I tell my son we're moving at the end of the summer and totally turn his world upside down or do I sacrifice my marriage for him so he can stay and graduate at his school with his friends? I am torn at the fact that in 1 year he will be 18 and in 2 years will be graduated and probably go on with his life only to leave me alone and had given up my marriage that I would love to save. If anyone has any advice please let me know. I am desperate.

Not sure whether or not to move because of my teenager

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Unfortunately, this is a problem you have to figure out for yourself. But you don't have to figure it out on your own. You can talk to your son. Don't keep this from him. If you are going to move, he will get used to the idea, he will not stay in shock during the moving process. When I moved to somewhere else with my parents, I was in shock, and stayed in shock a long time. And it created panic attacks and all kinds of useless stuff. But it was a fragile moment in my life. Your son's situation could be different than mine. If you don't want to move, and you don't want to give up on your husband, you could make sure to work things out with him during weekends or holidays. You could personally make him understand how important this is to stay where you are for your child. If he won't understand, that's his loss. If he makes you choose between him and your son, it is no choice at all, children come first. I mean they must. Or we are exaggerating and the move would even help your son, being close to his dad, and finding new friends and different environment. Don't be afraid, talk to your son.

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