Unable to console wife
SSBREW7776 - Aug 12 2016 at 00:26
My wife is working at a job where she is incredibly unhappy. She comes home crying, sometimes screaming (this is not an exaggeration). I've tried to console her but have been unsuccessful. I've basically had two pieces of advice: A) talk to your boss about your concerns and, if nothing changes, talk to your boss' boss, and B) start looking for a new job. Somehow, both these pieces of advice get shot down. When I suggest the first piece of advice (A) she says "that's not my personality, I don't feel comfortable." When I suggest (B) she says "I can't quit we need the money."
I finally told her that she needed to calm down. We've lived through tragedies such as the death of close family members and friends and she never cried as much as she is now. I honestly have no idea what to do...she is literally inconsolable and I am powerless to help her.
I use to have this job where i was miserable at. But I quit because my sanity and happiness are more important than money. Maybe i would struggle for a while but that is better that stressing myself for a horrible job. However i did apply to other jobs while i was still working once i got another job I quit. I feel like you need to take charge! and make her aware that you will take care of her while she is not working. I feel like someones health whether is psychological or physical is more important than certain luxuries that money can buy. I do not know your financial status so I cant say that you dont need the money, but maybe she can do what i did and start applying for jobs and then quit and she finds another one.
Many people in the same situation. We need money for bills and people scared to take a leap of faith into the unknown. From my point, unhappiness took Years to manifest, mainly to do with my useless bosses.
My health suffered at all levels. I quit the job and now lead a simple life. Consumerism is at the back of the list. No car, basic mobile, health eating, mortgage paid. I have not looked back and have managed to set up a small business from scratch which pays a small income.
Regrets - Why did I not do this sooner.
Good luck, I emphasise
"When I suggest the first piece of advice she says "that's not my personality, I don't feel comfortable." When I suggest (B) she says "I can't quit we need the money.""
She's hinting. Furiously. (Ref the screaming and making it *your* problem - ) not very nicely, granted ...but then, unhappy people don't tend to go about things nicely, do they. She wants to quit *now, before* she has another job to go to.