I can't stop thinking about him....

VANQUISH75 - Aug 23 2016 at 18:25
I'm looking for advice on how to get someone off my mind...I'm married have been for 10+ years and have never strayed or even thought about it. But lately I can't seem to get a friend off my mind. He's always in my thoughts in my dreams I just can't seem to let it go. He and I work in the same establishment we don't work together often but always seem to be in each other's orbit. We have worked at the same place for many years together but lately it seems were together all the time...
It just seems that he spends way to much to time in my "bubble" always kinda hovering. And for some reason he keeps popping up in my head... I need this to stop!!!!! I don't know why this keeps happening we don't socialize outside of work. I just need to some tips on how I can stop thinking about him or even some ideas on why???? Feeling a little confused........
Is there any way you could transfer to a different location at your work place? Have you talked to your husband about this? Do you love your husband? How would you feel if your husband were in a similar situation? Sounds like you and your husband have grown apart. If you do love your husband then you and he need to talk about this communicate. Get away from this so called co worker/ friend if you want to stay in your marriage. There's so much more to be said here
My husband and I have always been solid, until last year my husband suffered a great illness in which he recovered from with some side effects. Somewhere in the chaos that was our life at that time it's like our roles shifted... I became his caregiver and he was the patient. My co-worker was the first one to offer advice on remembering to take care of me and to get outside help for my husband... and was supportive during a hard time. Obviously nothing physical or even outside the office. He was just a caring shoulder...
Now more then a year later I wonder how to get my husband and I back on track... I've managed to get out of the same dept. as my "friendly" coworker but still think about him. Sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy!!!!! Anyone have any thoughts?
This wasn't mentioned before about your husband and his illness. I know a situation like this puts alot of stress on you as it would be for him if it were you who were ill. I understand your great appreciation for your coworkers support and assistance. But the point here is you're still married and if you love your husband work on communicating with him about getting your lives and marriage back on track. I'm not clear as whether or not your husband is better or back to his normal self. If you love your husband get this coworker out of your mind concentrate on your marriage.
And remember you both took vows in sickness and in heath til death do you part. Keep that in mind
I know you have some sort of emotional feelings for this coworker because he was helpful and supportive during your husbands illness as you said a shoulder. It's hard to get this guy out of your mind because of these feelings. You said that you and your husband were solid before his illness. Is there anyway you and your husband could shift those roles back to the way they were before your husbands illness?
The "caring friend". Heard that one before.
Opportunist more like it.
VANQUISH75 is the reason that you still think about this coworker because your physically attracted to him? Are you no longer in love with your husband?
Thanks for giving me lots to think about... I do love my husband very much. And no he is not quite fully recovered but is doing great strides and I have held his hand the whole time.
I've had a frank discussion with my co-worker and severed all ties with him and my husband and I have agreed to get some counseling. Hopefully it will help us get back on track.
Well that's good to hear. And if you'd like to come back here and give us an update we'd like to hear from you
"I've had a frank discussion with my co-worker and severed all ties with him and my husband and I have agreed to get some counseling. Hopefully it will help us get back on track."
Let's all have a little forum sing-song...
Intelligent decision, Vanquish75, intelligent decision [thumps chest].
PS: And a "well spotted" High Five for CHUCK and a "nicely handled" one for Scopes, aye!
PS Vanquish: mind if I ask - where was your bessie female mate through all of this? Did you have one or do you work too hard/long hours?
Ahhhhhhhhh greaaat! Soulmate I've been looking all over for you!!!!
Dear Kellogg's Frosties Tony-the-Lion,
Have you? Porque? And did you not try remembering where you last left me?
I can not remember my memory is going ð
Hey how do make those imoji faces each time I try all I get is a squiggly ðâº
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Ahhhh hah thanks Soulmate :D